A day in the life of Mr. Guerrero


Photo Credit: Camila Zavala

Mr. G proudly beams while showing off his wife.

Camila Zavala, Staff Writer

If you’re an upperclasswoman at Rosary, then your counselor has probably recommended you to take Physics, whether it’s regular, honors, or even AP. And that usually means you’ve had the blessing of meeting one of the Academy’s most dedicated teachers: Mr. Guerrero

Not only is he the designated physics expert of our school, but Mr. G is also the coach of our robotics team, Royal Rebel Robotics. Like most of his students (even if they’re not a fan of physics), co-captain of the robotics team, Anna Jordan ‘23 enjoys Mr. G’s character: “During robotics, Mr. Guerrero and I are able to bounce off of each other, and we even share common pop culture references.” Students all across Rosary delight in knowing Mr. G, and will be happy to discover more about him in this interview.

Q: How do you spend your mornings?

A: I wake up around 4:00 a.m. and say a quiet prayer thanking God for the day.  I then say, “Good morning and I love you” to my wife. Then I hand her a sleeping mask before I turn on the light.  I take my daily vitamins and then I let my one-year-old English Pointer, Finn, outside to do his business then put him back in his crate.  Once I am ready for work, I leave the house around 5:15 a.m.  Occasionally, I will eat breakfast before I leave the house depending on how hungry I am.  It takes me about an hour to get to work.  I usually listen to KUSC classical music or NPR during my drive to work.

Q: What’s the first thing you do once you arrive on campus?

A: Once I arrive on campus, I greet Maurice, David, or Greg, depending on the day.  Then I go to the front office to sign-in and I usually speak with Mrs. Governale about sports, current events and such.  I enjoy our conversations.  Then I update my class agenda page on OneNote for all of my classes that day.

Q: What is your go-to lunch to eat at school?

A: My go-to lunch from the café is bean and rice burrito.  If I bring my lunch, it is usually a quinoa and bean salad with a side of fruit that my wife prepares for me.

Q: Which class is your favorite to end the school day with?

A: Any of my Physics classes because when my students leave school that day, I hope they see the world differently.  It is my intention that they see nature and creation are beautiful.  I want them to take that new knowledge and the new way of “seeing” out into the community.

Q: How do you spend the afternoons/ evenings with your wife?

A: I usually get home around 5:00 p.m. when it isn’t robotics season.  We spend time training our dog and after that we make dinner together.  Over dinner we share about how our day went with each other.  After dinner sometimes we will play a game or stream a show/movie on Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO Max or Disney+.   Before we retire for the evening, we pray the Examen together.  The Examen is a prayer that St. Ignatius Loyola developed to reflect on his day and recognize where God was present in his day and how he can draw closer to Him.    

Q: On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best, how do you feel you generally end your days?

A: I tend to be very critical of myself because I feel I almost never accomplish everything I want to in a day.  I would rank it about an 8.  Sometimes l get in my own way, and I feel I may not be fully present to everyone I encounter in a day.  That is why I pray the Examen so I can better recognize when Christ is in front of me and not miss Him in my day.

As you can see, Mr. G has a big heart and cares about everyone he encounters throughout his day. Be sure to partake in his contagious laugh the next time you see him in the hallways.