Sophomore Hayden Huerta has made a big name of herself since she joined the Rosary wrestling team last year. She has won many, and I mean many, championship matches. Her bubbly energy seems to go away once she steps foot on the wrestling mat. She does not play around. I have had the opportunity to talk to Hayden and ask her some questions about her wrestling experience. Here is what she said:
Q: What have you been working on recently to become such a phenomenal wrestler?
A: To be where I am at right now, I have been really focused on my conditioning and really making sure my technique is good. Hard work really does pay off. I stay focused and concentrate on what techniques work best when it comes up to my next match.
Q: How does it feel to be one of the best wrestlers in our league?
A: I wouldn’t say I am one of the best wrestlers in our league, but I have confidence in my ability and trust my skills to get me where I need to be; overall, I let God do the rest. I trust in Him, and He helps me make the right decisions to get the result I want at the end of my tournaments.

Q: How does it feel to be the leader of the wrestling team?
A: I am honored to be a leader. It makes me feel good knowing that people look up to me. I can inspire others to do what they want to do. I can make people feel confident about themselves.
Hayden won a match against Portola high school yesterday. There isn’t anything she can’t do! Through all the hard matchups, she always seems to pull through. Her strength and skills will only continue to grow and will win her many more matches. Stay updated and watch her beat other competitors in her coming up tournaments.