Royals, it’s time for Club Rush again. On Thursday, January 23, Rosary will be holding our second Club Rush of the school year at lunch in the Karcher Center. Many Royals across campus are working tirelessly to perfect applications, build beautiful boards, and write a perfect script to convince you to join their club. Club Rush is exciting and something to look forward to because of the opportunity to join a little community, find new interests and make new connections with girls you may have never talked to.
Clubs can also be a great source of information and a way to bring issues to light. There are many clubs that bring awareness to issues today such as The Pink Journey Club and the Laudato Tree Club.
When interviewing one of the co-presidents of Laudato Tree Club about what her club is about, Junior Delilah Moose answered, “My club is about preserving our earth through the guidance of God. It is based on one of Pope Francis’ encyclicals titled ‘Laudato Si.’ It is about how we need to preserve our earth and take better care of it.”

When asked what inspired her club, Delilah states, “My friend and I are co-presidents and started it because we were inspired by her dad, who works with the organization. We also wanted to find ways to spread awareness about climate change.” As you can see, starting a club is a great way to spread awareness for real-world issues.
Starting a club also may be really good for you as a student and for your future in employment; speaking skills are extremely necessary and talking in front of your fellow classmates at Club Rush is a great place to start.
Sophomore Molly Burke is considering starting a club. Starting a club is a wonderful way to put yourself out there and practice life skills such as public speaking. Molly says, “I am excited to pursue a club and be the president of it. I am also excited to work on my public speaking skills in the future with my club.”
Benefits of joining a club also include fostering a sense of leadership, enhancing your social skills, introducing you to new people and friendships, getting you into new interests, and giving each student a safe environment to express their individual interests. We hope you consider joining a club this semester and maybe even consider creating one for the new school year since it has so many benefits. We hope to see you at Club Rush on January 23!