Senior superlatives: journalism edition
May 18, 2023
As journalism’s resident comedians, we have teamed up to give our seniors one final goodbye. So we present to you the Royal Reporter’s class of 2023 superlatives.
Daniela Arias: Most reliable in an emergency situation

Adriana Arroyo: Most likely to not make it to the bathroom
Brynn Beauchamp: Most likely to get into a fight and WIN
Reagan Beuerlein: Most likely to be too nice to tell you that you don’t look good/ Most likely to go Kappa
Alex Bohn: Most likely to have an over-the-top wedding
Caela Cabal: Most likely to have her article go viral
Kendall Clarida: Most likely to bounce back from a cry session
Tori Gomez: Most likely to become a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader
Anna Jordan: Most likely to write a poem that divides nations
Charlotte Jordan: Most likely to get lifetime banned from the Met Gala after creeping on the celebrities
Layla Langrell: Best complainer

Allison Lillestol: Most likely to continue being the nicest person ever
Kathleen Martinez: Most likely to become a professional smoothie maker
Julianna Ortiz: Most likely to continue her anger-management classes well into middle-age

Emma Oskorus: Most likely to become a beauty influencer
Sydney Rosario: Most likely to lose her medical license
Cadiz Salazar: Most likely to whip out a musical theatre song at a party and its ACTUALLY really, really good
Colleen Schmidt: Most likely to survive in the military
Emma Silva: Most controversial person/ MOST delusional
Layla Valenzuela: Biggest Tom Holland fan (scarily)
Trista Verne: Most likely to start a fight and LOSE
Camilla Zavala: Best eyeliner
Tori Bush: Most likely to woman-splain Margaret Atwood to you