The Hunt for true love
Lots of love from the Hunts on their wedding day!
February 3, 2023
It’s finally February, Royals! Despite the competitive nature of the Red and Gold season, love has begun to fill the air. Pink hearts have filled the halls with reminders of Valentine’s gram sales for our Friar brothers. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought of interviewing the best Rosary/Servite couple — Mr. and Mrs. Hunt!
If you didn’t know, Mr. Hunt is a teacher at Servite High School, so the two embody the perfect Royal/Friar couple. I met with our beloved Mrs. Hunt to learn more about the Hunt love story, from the beginning to now. Let’s get into the interview!
Q: How did you and Mr. Hunt meet?
A: We met teaching together, he came to teach at Bosco. And, it’s funny because when he started there, he just joined in with my group of friends really easily and everyone kept saying, “Hey, you should check him out,” and I was like, “No. I mean he’s a teacher; he works with me. No.” But, he was very persistent. He was very determined.

Q: I remember you mentioning a trip to Alaska, how was it having Mr. Hunt come with you on a family trip while you were dating?
A: That was fun! My parents were taking my whole family, and all my brothers were married or engaged, and Mr. Hunt and I were dating, but we both knew at that point that we were going to get married and my parents knew, so they were like, “Alright, we’ll bring him.” So, he came with us, it was really fun. We went on a cruise, so we went up to Seattle and we were in Seattle for three days and then the Alaskan cruise was, I want to say like six days. It went up to Alaska and then came back to Seattle, it was one of the best trips of my life. I’m so thankful to my parents that he was with us, even though we were just dating, but we got engaged a few months later.
Q: How long did you date before becoming engaged?
A: Actually, funny story, we got married two years from the day of our first date. So, our first date was Oct. 10, 2007; we got engaged Dec. 12, 2008, so just a little over a year in the relationship. And then, we got married Oct. 10, 2009.
Q: What is your guys’ proposal story?
A: Oh my goodness. It was… before 6 a.m. It was crazy. He was staying, and my brother was there because we were leaving for Las Vegas the next day with my family, and so he was like, “I’ll just stay here, and we’ll go to work together in the morning.” So, I said ok. So, he and my brother were playing video games, and I thought all I have is an exam tomorrow, I can stay up. Because they always made fun of me for going to bed early, because I had to get up at 5:30 in the morning. So, I thought I would stay up, and the two of them were just playing video games, it was like 11 o’clock. It’s 12 o’clock. And I’m just like, “What are you guys doing?” So finally I’m like, “I’m going to bed.” But it turns out, they were waiting for me to go to bed, so they could decorate the whole apartment, and I felt so bad. So, he had arranged everything, he had taken my exams and photocopied them and had teachers set on all my classes the next day.
I had no idea we wouldn’t be going to school the next day. And so, I got up at 5:30 in the morning and went to take a shower, and I came out in my towel and went to go tell him something, and so I walked out into the other room and the lights on the Christmas tree were on, I was so confused. And I had helped my brothers (all 3 of them) plan their engagements, and it was so weird to be on the other side. And I looked around and there were roses everywhere: in the blinds, on the floor. And I was like, “What is happening?” Then he comes out from behind the tree and gets down on one knee and asks me to marry him, and I think I froze for a little bit. It was such a shock, it was so cute. So, I always joke when I get out of the shower, “Hey it’s my engagement outfit!”

Q: Did you both come to Rosary and Servite to stay together?
A: Not really, we both were ready to move on from Bosco, so he left a year before I did. He left and went to Servite because there was a job open there, that was a good job, and he went there. I was pregnant with Tessa at the time, and it was just kind of easier to stay where I was, until I was done having babies. But, then the next year I left because a Rosary job opened. I actually taught summer school at Servite the summer before I taught here because I just was looking for something different. You know, Bosco was wonderful, but after 17 years, it was just changing in a way I didn’t like, so I needed something different. Then the Rosary job opened, and I was a little afraid of going from all boys to all girls, but I have never looked back. It was a fabulous change, but girls are just easier.
Q: The Royals love your kids; how old are they now?
A: Yep, I have those three little wonderful children. They are 12, 10, and 8. Brigid, 12; Tommy, 10; and Tessa; 8. The girls are bummed to not be a part of the next Trinitas show like they were for “The Sound of Music,” but all three of them are so excited to see “Cinderella” in the spring!

Q: What’s the background story of the famous Hunt Holiday Debate?
A: So, I love Halloween decorations, and he loves Christmas decorations. Every year on Nov. 1, he would take down all of my Halloween and put up Christmas. And I was like “That’s not fair, you get two months, and I only get one month?!” So, I thought we would split November, but he said no. Now we put up Halloween on September 1, so that we both get two months.
We’re so lucky to have both Mr. and Mrs. Hunt in our lives, and the student body of both Servite and Rosary wish them extra love and smiles during the Valentine’s season!
lizzie larson • Feb 10, 2023 at 11:55 am
truly couple goals!
tori bush • Feb 3, 2023 at 2:31 pm
awww!!! yay mr. and mrs. hunt!!! true love (maybe) is real!!!
kat cenabre • Feb 3, 2023 at 11:37 am
they make me believe in love
Layla Valenzuela • Feb 3, 2023 at 11:14 am
So cute!!
Allison Lillestol • Feb 3, 2023 at 9:41 am
this article was so cute! I love the Hunts <3