Rosary Triathlon completes its first race

Photo provided by Julia Watson '24

Five of the Triathlon team’s seven members competed in their first race this weekend.

Christina Vaughan, Staff Writer

On Sunday, Nov. 6 five of Rosary’s Triathlon Team members competed in the Newport Dunes Triathlon, marking the first triathlon of our year-long season!

I bet you’ve never swam in the Back Bay at 7:00 a.m. on a Sunday! (Photo provided by Adam Harita)

We started the morning with a prayer, then a chilly 500 meter swim in the back bay, continued on to an eight-mile bike ride, and finished the race with a three mile run. The five team members who completed the race finished better than anyone could have imagined.

Team captain Julia Watson ‘24 placed third in her age group, and I managed to do the same for mine. Our teammates Sofia Salazar ‘24, Micheala Watson ‘26, and Olivia O’day ‘26 followed close behind.

Our coach Mr. Harita is so proud of us: “Almost our entire team graduated last year so we started this year with a young team. The goal for this race was for everyone to finish their first triathlon, gain experience and confidence and have fun. We accomplished all those goals over the weekend. All the girls did great, and they each used their individual strengths to execute a solid race. Now we can build on that foundation going forward.”

All of our hard work and countless hours of training on weekdays and weekends have paid off. Team captain Julia Watson ‘24 adds, “Triathlon is a very intimidating sport and racing alongside hundreds of people is definitely nerve racking, but with the support of my coach and teammates, I was so excited to race and it was one of the most memorable experiences.”

This Saturday the team will continue its racing streak with four of us competing in the Tempe Sun Devil Classic in Arizona. We hope to represent our school and community well!

We sure clean-up well! (Photos provided by Christian Vaughan)