This upcoming weekend, on March 7 and 8, Rosary will be hosting their annual Red & Gold competition. It will be a long weekend filled with fun, new memories, dancing, acting, singing and bonding with our fellow Rosary sisters. The competition will consist of four shows throughout Friday and Saturday, and there will also be another rehearsal on Friday morning. It is important to remain grateful for your captains and to have fun no matter what happens.
Every year, fashion captains work tirelessly to create amazing costumes for their dance, drill, choral or drama. Sometimes they want an exact makeup look, hairstyle or both. Some dances require curls, crimps or straight hair. So, always remember to bring all of your hair tools. A curling iron, crimper, flat iron, brush and comb will all come in handy. “I couldn’t live without my hairspray to make sure my hairdos don’t fall, my water, snacks for energy and my digital camera to take pictures on,” says Parker Yee ’26. Not only can you use them, but other girls might need them as well, so they will definitely come in handy. Rubber bands, hair clips and bows (if your fashion captain calls for them) also come in handy. Some girls can’t do their own hair, so if you can help one another that would be so beneficial and helpful to your captains!

You also will need to wear makeup. Bringing your entire makeup bag, and maybe a mirror, can help you stay organized when getting ready for the shows. Just make sure that your makeup matches what your fashion captain sent out. Make sure you bring your mascara, blush, lashes (if required), highlighter, lipstick and anything else you might need. Makeup wipes are a great thing to bring in case you mess up on your makeup and need to restart. Bringing a large pack of makeup wipes can help you and all those around you. Every year, a girl messes up their makeup before or in between shows. Having makeup wipes or a makeup remover will come in handy for you and all those around you. Senior Marisol Reza claims, “I can’t forget my makeup, hairspray, blanket and comfy clothes to put on in between shows.”
If you received your costume at your captain’s dinner from the night before, make sure you bring it. Fashion captains cannot order extra costumes, so make sure you don’t lose it and that it is still intact. Your costume includes any hair pieces, shoes and any accessories, too.
Remember there are certain things you cannot bring. No drinks, only water. You can’t take any snacks into the pit and always remember to clean up behind yourself. Always pick up trash (even if its not yours) and no changing out in the open. You can get point deducted if you break any of these rules.
The last thing, and sometimes the most important, is finale! Finale takes place after every show. Finale consists of anything red or gold (depending on what team you’re on). Make sure your finale costume is all of one color. Some girls wear big funny costumes, or just cute red/gold tutus. Finale is one of the most fun parts of red and gold, so do not forget your finale costume and go all out!