As I learned the choreography for my cameo in Red Choral this year, all the fun I had last year singing “Don’t Go Breaking my heart” and “You Will be Found” suddenly came back to me; with that, I started to wonder how one of my choral captains from last year, Sage Baumgartner ‘24, was doing.
Baumgartner graduated this past year and has been studying Psychology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. When asked how the college has been treating her, she shared, “I am really enjoying my first year here. I’m studying psychology and taking some stellar classes. I enjoy doing outdoor activities; can’t wait for spring! My faith has also been stronger than ever. Nevertheless, I am stoked to return to the California sunshine for summer break!”
When asked if Rosary had prepared her for college, she agreed, saying it had prepared her for the heavy course load colleges offer. Baumgartner feels confident in her work ethic and thanks the teachers she had here at Rosary: “The leadership roles I undertook at Rosary prepared me to be able to get a job and strive socially in college. Overall, Rosary was a great steppingstone in my academic journey, and I am incredibly grateful to have received such an incredible education.”
If you haven’t met Baumgartner, she is known for her amazing songwriting and singing. During her time at Rosary, she performed her own original songs; as of today, she still enjoys writing music and makes time in her life to continue improving. In fact, she has been able to cultivate her music in Boulder in various ways. Baumgartner is part of the CU Jam community, where she meets up with fellow musicians to play and perform at local venues. Furthermore, she is also a member of the St. Thomas Aquinas Praise and Worship Team, where they sing for monthly adoration nights. Baumgartner spends her time regularly in downtown Boulder and plans to sing at local open mics shortly. She wanted to pursue music in the future and is currently taking a Music Theory class. Baumgartner is also considering transferring into the CU Songwriting program in the College of Music next fall!

Being a Red & Gold choral captain, Baumgartner and her other co-captains got to pick two songs and work with a group of girls to perform them at Red & Gold. Her favorite Red & Gold memory was during her senior year when she worked alongside her sister as a captain: “We got to host the Kickoff sleepover and rush campus together the next morning. We choreographed with one another and got ready together before every show. I got to watch her perform her drill each night between choral numbers, all the while smiling with joy and pride. Although we lost out senior year, the experience of leading with my sister is something I cherish very closely!”
Speaking of her senior year, one of her favorite memories was her senior prom. Before the dance, Sonoma, her sister, and Sage got ready with their best friend, Julia Schutt; Sage got them flowers to match their dresses. They ate dinner and took pictures once their dates arrived: “My date, Moises Ibarra ’24, ended up winning prom king, and we rushed the stage to watch him receive his crown. It was a great night, full of music, laughter and dancing, and I got to spend it with my closest friends.”
Sage and her twin Sonoma were a memorable duo at Rosary; they still remain very close today, texting and calling almost every day. Sonoma attends the University of Mississippi (aka Ole Miss). Sage shared, “I look forward to the breaks when we can reunite because it is truly not the same without her next to me.” Sonoma visited Sage during the winter, and they spent quality time together, skiing and catching up. Sage is looking forward to going to Mississippi in March: “I love my sister more than anything, and I can confidently say that we are very close despite the distance between us!”

When I asked Baumgartner if she had any advice for college, she stated, “Be willing to change. There is a lot of change that happens throughout life, especially as you move towards college, and it is scary, but so necessary.” She also mentioned holding onto your faith. With God on your side, she says there’s nothing to fear: “Remembering the truth and love that lies in the Catholic faith will give you comfort and belonging no matter where you are; God is constant and wants you to be in relationship with Him…so love Him back!”
It was nice to get back in touch with Baumgartner, and it was good to hear what she is up to. Wishing all the best for Sage Baumgartner at Colorado!