This past Saturday, Royals and Friars took over the Aquarium of the Pacific for the Winter Formal dance. We had the amazing opportunity to observe all the sea life and enjoy the dance floor at the same time. The Aquarium of the Pacific had so much to offer for us students. Apart from the regular sea exhibits, the DJ, drinks, desserts and arcade games were a great touch to keep all students entertained.
Many Rosary and Servite seniors had highlights from the dance to share. Senior Caleb Simmons said, “My favorite part was looking at all of the exhibits with my friends, especially the jellyfish.” Senior Samantha Oskorus added, “My favorite part was dancing with my friends on the dance floor and touching stingrays.”

Teacher chaperones that attended this event also had a great time. English teacher Ms. Brinegar ’16 explained, “I enjoyed getting my steps in with Dr. Frey-Monell as we walked around the Aquarium checking in with students.” It is always a treat to see our teachers when we’re all dressed up and having a good time.
Overall, Winter Formal was a beautiful event! It was so much fun to be able to observe all of the sea life and dance the night away. We are all looking forward to the next dance!