Red & Gold season is upon us! Kick Off is on Jan. 24, and Royals are already starting to stir up excitement for the beloved tradition. However, a common question is: “What exactly is Kick Off?” As someone who got to experience Kick Off last year as a Gold team fashion captain, I must say, it is one of my favorite days of the school year.
For captains, it all starts on Thursday, the night before Kick Off. At night, once everyone has finished school work, each team meets separately at a certain captain’s house. Once at the house, they get to work decorating and beginning the festivities. Captains begin to make posters, practice their skits and showcase their dances and drills. Experienced captain Savina Padilla ‘25 states, “Kick Off is so fun! Even though it can be a little stressful, making posters and doing last-minute touchups with your friends is such a special experience. Being my last one, I would say make every minute count no matter how late.” On this night, it is also very common for captains to pull an all-nighter, and I must say this adds much more excitement to it. But, it is also common for naptimes to take place. Last year, I remember my friends and I definitely got tired as 5 a.m. crept up on us, so we took a collective power nap.
Once the clock strikes 5 a.m., the real chaos begins; cars are getting loaded with posters, makeup is being done, supplies and water are being passed around, Kick Off outfits are being changed into and so much more. 5 a.m. is the time we all prepare to make our way to campus since Rosary’s gates open at 6 a.m. Ten minutes before the gates open, captains from both colors barricade the gate. As soon as the gate opens, the captains storm the campus (in a safe manner) and try to cover the campus in their color’s posters and set decorations in the restrooms. After posters and decorations are up, captains make a sweep of the campus and make sure no trash is left behind and that campus is left nice and clean. Then, this is followed by breakfast! The amazing captains’ parents organize a breakfast buffet for captains to make sure we are well-fed during such a long day. After this, we begin preparing our skits for the school to see and we perform once the school is in the Karcher Center. And then of course, based on the teams, everyone goes to their designated areas.
For the rest of the student body, Kick Off morning looks a little bit different. Senior Daleah Cardenas states, “I personally really like showing up to school and seeing all the different posters!” On this day, students arrive on campus at regular time and report to their period one classroom. As you wait in your classrooms, the anticipation definitely builds.
You will soon see ASB hand a paper to your teacher, which essentially has all the names and teams for your period. You will then be directed to the Karcher Center where you will watch the skits and then find out the theme for the year! Finally, based on your category, you will be directed to a designated area to meet your captain. To make the day even more special, dismissal is at 11:30 a.m. Many students celebrate the start of Red & Gold season with their new teammates after the early dismissal.

(Photo Credit: Daleah Cardenas ’25)
Red & Gold is a truly beloved tradition that has been in our school’s history since 1971, so we must remember to preserve it in an appropriate manner. Red & Gold is not meant to divide the school through teams, but rather to bring us together by showcasing our creative forums and talents. Best of luck this Red & Gold season, Royals, and remember to always keep schoolwork your number one priority!