As Christmas is right around the corner, Christmas lists are finally beginning to form. I know I have mine already planned out, but I wonder what our teachers’ lists look like. So, I took it upon myself to ask a few teachers what they are asking Santa for this year.
When asked, Ms. B ‘16 knew exactly what she wanted, as she stated, “Doc Marten brown 8065 ambassador shoes.” This is definitely a mouthful, but I’m sure this is a great addition to Ms. B’s collection.
Mr. Chavez said he isn’t asking for anything specific, but he thinks he might need a new car.
Mrs. Langenwalter had a bit of an extensive list; she first said she was asking for world peace, and then I told her that was a bit unrealistic. Then, she said for Rosary girls to follow the dress code, so I was more specific and told her to tell me something materialistic. She finally said a Disneyland pass.
Mrs. D’Alba said she wasn’t asking for anything in specific but having her house cleaned would be nice, and she hoped for all children to be happy.
When asked, Mrs. LeClair, said her list is to be determined, but she might add a Doberman to that list because her famous puppy, Moose, needs a sister.

Now, just because teachers are asking for these items this Christmas, does not mean we as students are obligated to buy them their entire list. Since it would be thoughtful to give your teacher a small gift, I roamed the internet for a few ideas on what we could buy our teachers during the Christmas season as a nice thank-you gift for all that they do. A few suggestions I found were gift cards, a mug with their specified initial, a travel mug, a gift set, a new set of expo markers, a stamp and maybe some stickers. This Christmas season, let’s not forget our amazing teachers, and Royals, a simple “Merry Christmas” or “Have a great break” goes a long way.
DAlba Diane • Dec 13, 2024 at 4:07 pm
Thank you taking the time to think of your teachers