This past Sunday marked the beginning of the Advent season and even though the Christmas season can feel very materialistic with all the presents, lights, and decorations, it is also a time for spiritual, joyful preparation. Now, everyone can prepare their hearts in different ways, so the important thing is finding the right way for you.
The season of Advent begins the new Liturgical Year in the Church. Starting Dec. 1 this year, Advent is the four weeks before Christmas and is marked by each Sunday. Each week has a different virtue to focus on: hope, peace, joy and love. These are represented by the four candles in an Advent wreath. Advent is a time to joyfully prepare for the birth of baby Jesus, but how exactly do you prepare?
For the Rosary community, we spent time in our Advent Prayer Service this Wednesday. In the Karcher Center, girls were set up in the shape of a Rosary and were holding candles that represented each Hail Mary of the Rosary. While praying the Rosary, we reflected on the Mysteries of Jesus’ life. This was a perfect time to refocus on the true meaning of Christmas and Advent.
Junior Heidi Morales told us how she felt coming out of the Advent Prayer Service: “Overall, I felt at peace and comfortable to be able to truly feel the presence of the Lord. The Advent prayer Service helped me feel even closer to God and helped me to prepare more fully for this Advent season.” Hopefully, every Royal took this opportunity to prepare their hearts for the coming of Christ this season.

Campus Ministry Moderator, Mrs. Kearns ’78 shared more about the importance of Advent: “The Advent season is a beautiful time to stop, quiet ourselves and reflect on the daily coming of Christ into our lives. We place focus on our personal relationship with Christ and we wait with great anticipation for the coming of the Lord into our lives and at the end of time.
Is your heart prepared for Christ? If not, what do you need to do this Advent season to ready yourself for Christ in all aspects of your life?” Mrs. Kearns offers a good perspective on personal reflection during this time. Advent is a perfect time to reflect on your own spiritual journey and how it can improve.
Mrs. Kearns also shared a Henri Nouwen quote about Advent that she loves: “The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord.” This quote really illustrates how Advent is a great time of preparation for Christ’s coming, but to realize that Christ is always present and a wonderful thing to think about.
In addition to the preparations at school, many families have an Advent wreath in their house to mark the weeks of Advent. Michaela Watson ’26 and her family have an Advent wreath in their home, and she shared, “Every Sunday, we light one candle in our Advent wreath and make sure to say an Advent prayer in order to prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus Christ.” If your family does not already have an Advent wreath, consider purchasing one. An Advent wreath is a great way to unite your family this season by lighting each candle together.

Make time this Advent season to grow closer to God in preparation for the coming of His Son. Remember that everyone prepares in a different way and that Jesus is the reason for the season!