Christmas is many Royals’ favorite time of the year. Alongside the handful of studying for finals, students spend plenty of time perfecting their Christmas wish lists. It is a great way for them to relax and take time for themselves.
I asked Royals what they have on their Christmas wish lists this year. If you are unsure what to ask for, keep reading for some inspiration.
Ellen Kirollos ‘28 has plenty of ideas of what she wants for Christmas: “I want ultra mini Uggs, black Boston Clogs, an Abercrombie camo hoodie, and a Sephora gift card.” It looks like Ellen will enter the new year with a great new style! However, Ellen is not the only one who has a new pair of shoes on her list. Nattie Valdovinos ’27 adds, “The top items on my list are Adidas shoes and any kind of perfume.” New clothes and shoes appear to be a popular items on many Royals’ lists. Sofia Lombardi ‘28 says, “I want AirPod Maxes, preferably pink, and pink Lululemon leggings as well.”

Additionally, the upperclassmen are putting lots of thought into their wish lists too. Matilda Simmons ’26 says, “I’m hoping my parents get me a Free People jean skort and a leather jacket.” I hope so too, Matilda!
Lizzie Larson ‘25 told me, “I want concert tickets to Kane Brown and Megan Moroney because I love to go to concerts, especially with my siblings.” Elaina Borbon ‘25 says, “I am asking for a new phone because mine is broken. It makes weird noises and the screen is cracked. If not, I also want a weighted blanket.” I hope Lizzie and Elaina get just what they ask for.
Whether your wish list is fulfilled or not, never forget the reason for the season. Apart from opening presents, Christmas is a great time to spend time with loved ones and celebrate Christ’s birth. Be sure to show appreciation for all the blessings you receive not only during this season but throughout the whole year.