Friendship, especially between Royals, is such a beautiful thing. For example, my older sister, Evelyn LeVecke ‘22, and her best friend, Daly Holman ‘22, have a friendship like no other. Since they have an incredible and heartwarming story, I asked them about their friendship and how they became so close. They, like so many Royals before them, found a lasting friendship through their Red and Gold experience.
Q: Where did your friendship begin?
Evelyn: “Daly and I started as acquaintances because we had mutual friends, but we never talked until we were partnered together as fashion captains for the same drill.”
Daly: “Our friendship technically began at the beginning of high school. We started hanging out with the same people, but we were never very close. Then, during sophomore year’s Red and Gold in 2020, we started to get very close because we were fashion captains together, and our moms forced us to hang out haha.”

Q: How did your friendship become so strong?
Evelyn: “We honestly couldn’t tell you how we became so close because the friendship really came out of nowhere. That was the Red and Gold that was canceled due to Covid, but we kept talking every day about how sad we were and about how good our leprechaun costumes were. Throughout Covid we continued talking every day and we quickly realized how weirdly similar we were. Today, we still believe we have the same brain.”
Daly: “I think our friendship became so strong because it was never a friendship where we had to be someone else around the other person. We understand each other’s humor so much, and we usually feel the same way about everything. We also spent so much time together during high school and did everything together.”
Q: Do you think you guys will be best friends forever?
Evelyn: “1000%!! Almost every day we talk about how we are excited to be aunts to each other’s kids in the future. I genuinely believe that Daly was sent to me by God, and I am so grateful to have her in my life forever. She is the kind of person that I can go to for anything and she is what I miss the most from my Rosary experience.”
Daly: “I know we will be best friends forever. She’s my bridesmaid, my kids’ auntie, hopefully my neighbor, she’s everything to me. After being long-distance friends for over two years now, there is no doubt in my mind that our friendship will last.”
Q: What is your favorite memory together?
Evelyn: “Oh jeez, there are too many, but I would say my favorite memories would be our Thursday night sleepovers during our senior year. Every week we would rotate whose house we would have a sleepover at. Each night was different though because we were either being studious studying or doing homework or we would be acting crazy and making random TikTok’s. Then in the morning, we would typically get Starbucks or Chick-fil-a while screaming our favorite songs in the car.”
Daly: “We have so many memories together, like I actually can’t pick just one. Some of my favorites would have to be our sleepovers we would have every single Thursday night during senior year, our trips to Hawaii together, seeing each other on holidays after being without families during the day, and definitely every time we visit each other in college. Any time with Ev is my favorite time.”
I strive to have this type of bond with all of my friends. The friendships you make at Rosary are truly amazing: so many young women stay connected with their friends from Rosary long after they graduate. Personally, I can’t wait to find the Daly to my Evelyn.