You’ve seen her around campus, that’s for sure. You can spot her walking around in a Stanford sweater and a One Direction backpack. If that wasn’t enough of a clue, she’s also the Executive President. My sister, Marissa Valencia ’25, is most known for being the Varsity Lacrosse goalie and making the morning announcements. Let’s get to know our Executive President, Marissa Valencia!
Q: What are you involved in at Rosary?
A: At Rosary, I am the ASB Executive President, Robotics Captain, Varsity Lacrosse Captain, Royal Ambassador, I am a part of CSF, NHS, SNHS, and president of multiple clubs.
Q: What are you involved in outside of Rosary?
A: Outside of the Academy, I am a NASA Space Station Ambassador and play club lacrosse with Frenzy LC.

Q: What do you do in your free time?
A: In my free time, I like to read books and watch tv. My favorite book series is “Percy Jackson” and my favorite TV show is “Star Wars: the Clone Wars.”
Q: How long have you been playing lacrosse (with Rosary and club)?
A: I’ve been playing lacrosse for Rosary since my freshman year, and I’ve been doing club lacrosse since fifth grade.
Q: How do you feel about being Executive President this year and being on the white team?
A: I am so excited to be on the White Team and watch both teams come together this Red and Gold season. I also enjoy making the morning announcements with Emma Ramirez ’26, Itzel Guzman ’25, and Malia Sims ’25.
Q: What are some colleges you are thinking of applying to?
A: Some colleges I’m thinking of include Stanford University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Syracuse University, Duke University, and Yale because I want to live out my Rory Gilmore life!
Q: What do you want to major in?
A: I want to major in Biomedical Engineering and get my master’s in the study.

Q: What are you most looking forward to senior year?
A: I look forward to leading our lacrosse team as we enter the new league and preparing the robotics team for success in the future. I’m also excited for when it’s time to get ready for my last Red and Gold, my last dance, my last time wearing the uniform, and my last time walking on campus as a student.
Q: If you could give your freshman self some advice, what would it be?
A: I would tell my younger self to go to all Rosary events and be a part of anything that interests you because high school goes by in the blink of an eye (wink wink, Go Red!).
Many students and faculty often mistake Marissa and I (even though we are nothing alike). I like theatre and art, while Marissa likes science and math, but after writing this article, I have to say my sister is pretty cool.