This week, the freshmen had their class officer elections. To promote themselves, the candidates decorated the halls with hand-made posters, a lot of them including rhyming phrases, glitter lettering and references to songs or movies that advertised each candidate. On Wednesday, the candidates delivered their speeches hoping to win their peers’ votes. Let’s hear what some of the candidates had to say about why they wanted to join ASB.
Freshman Kate Kimble expressed her excitement for ASB: “I would like to build more friendships with people that I have similar interests with. I am really excited to hopefully be a part of ASB this year and branch out of my comfort zone in the best way possible.”
Emilia Cantos ’28 ran for Vice President and said, “I want to be in ASB because I want to help the school and help others to have fun just like my older sister.”
On Thursday, the freshmen class voted for who they thought should represent them on ASB. Great job to all the freshmen candidates. Congratulations to Freshman President Ellen Kirollos, Freshman Vice President Emilia Cantos, Freshman Treasurer Kate Kimble and Freshman Secretary Taryn Litfin!