The new school year at Rosary has also brought several new classes with it. AP Human Geography is a new AP class this year that is offered to incoming freshmen. But what exactly does it entail? To inform Royals about the class, I asked Mrs. Neumann, who teaches the class, a few questions:
Q: What is the description of this class?
A: This class is “spatial.” We study and analyze human behaviors and relationships, just like in other social studies classes. However, our skill set emphasizes spatial thinking (looking at things in terms of space, including the location and distribution of things in relation to other things). Location is where it is at for geographers! Why are people and things where they are? Why is the location of an item or people with a particular trait important?
Q: What kind of student would you recommend this class to?
A: An interest in geography is a great start. In order to be successful in this class, a student needs to be able to keep up with the daily reading assignments and section quizzes, as well as be prepared for Unit Tests that have a similar format to the AP test. The class moves quickly and students need to stay organized and on top of their work.
Q: What would you say is the hardest part of taking this class?
A: Taking an AP class as a freshman is quite an undertaking. The pacing and level of detail are more intense than the average freshman class. For any student taking the class, it can be challenging if that student does not have a very solid pre-existing level of geographic literacy (understanding maps, geographic data, and spatial relationships). Connecting theoretical knowledge with practical examples and real-world events means going beyond just memorizing definitions.
Q: What is your favorite part about teaching this class?
A: I love geography. Back in my pre-digital era childhood, I used a good portion of my downtime to geek out with my family’s atlas, encyclopedia set, rock and mineral set, and globe. I really enjoy teaching a class that helps make students more aware of different aspects of our incredible planet, and more mindful/aware/conscious of what is going on in the world. I have an amazing group of students in AP Human Geography this year, so it’s impossible to pick just one favorite part about this class!
To give us first hand insight into the class, I asked some Royals who are taking the first ever AP Human Geography Class what they think of the class:

Kitana Canent ‘28 shares, “My favorite parts of this class are the activities that we partake in, such as looking at different geographic models and maps to identify key concepts that we’ve learned. It is fun to learn about how geography plays an important role in our lives.”
Adding on to her classmate, Emilia Cantos ‘28 shares, “My favorite part of the class is pushing myself toward my academic goals and learning why and how our population is the way it is today. I think APHUG is a great class to take to prepare you for future AP classes you may have and is a good personal challenge.”
Although this class is only offered to incoming freshmen, it’s still fascinating to learn how this class adds to our Rosary community. If you are still curious about AP Human Geography, maybe talk to someone you know who is taking the class or reach out to Mrs. Neumann!