This past Wednesday, Father Duy led a teaching Mass to inform Rosary students on all parts of the mass. Many students, including myself, had never attended a teaching Mass before and were interested to see how it would go.
Head of School Dr. Pautsch opened the ceremony with a call to worship. She invited us to open our hearts and minds to the lessons we will learn.
Father Duy then began to explain all the parts of the Mass in great detail. He talked about the significance of Holy Water, the Tabernacle, the altar and more! Father Duy shared that everything done in Mass is symbolic and has meaning. He also told us why priests wore all black clothing outside of Mass: to represent dying to himself and giving his life to God. Senior Gianna DiConti shared her thoughts on the lesson: “It was very inspirational. It opened my heart to all the meaning behind each part of the Mass.”

A highlight of the teaching Mass was when he praised the worship songs sung at Mass saying they are, “More emotional than a Taylor Swift song.” Which sparked laughter in many Royals in the audience.
Overall, this teaching Mass was engaging and informative to all students here at Rosary. Father Duy did a great job in answering questions and even cracking a couple of jokes. He constantly reminded us that nothing he does is without intention. Thanks to him, we now have a better understanding of the priest’s actions and intentions. Hopefully we can take our new knowledge and apply it to all future masses to come!