This week, Servite’s football team is finally going to be back at their home field, Orange Coast College. Tomorrow’s game is at 7 p.m. and the theme is USA. So, in case you are wondering what to wear in regard to the theme, here are a few ideas.
Red, white and blue can be worn with an assortment of different clothing such as shirts, jeans, flannels, sweaters, hats, socks and so much more.
If you are looking for ways to repurpose some of your old red finale accessories from Red & Gold, re-wearing your glasses, tutus, glitter paint and/or boas could be super convenient!
If you want to wear something blue, you can wear your favorite blue jeans and pair it with a flannel and cute accessories to spruce up your outfit.
Lastly, since white is incorporated in several different things, anything white (i.e. socks, hats, scrunchies or sweaters) could do the job.

Besides clothing, wearing makeup or face paint is a perfect way to complete your outfit. While it depends on personal preferences, I would recommend red lipstick as a cute way to match with friends and support the theme.
We hope to see you at the game in your best USA colors!