Hey Royals! As you know, we have welcomed a bunch of new teachers this year. We have new Math teachers, Religion teachers, etc. One of the newest teachers Rosary has welcomed is Mr. Fusco. He teaches AP Statistics, Statistics, Financial Algebra, and Honors Algebra ll. I decided to take it upon myself to ask him questions to get to know this new face around campus.
Q: What college did you go to?
A: I went to the Academy of Art in San Franciso for my undergraduate and bachelor’s in fine frts (BFA). Then, I went to Colorado State University for my master’s in applied statistics.
Q: How long have you been teaching?
A: I’ve been teaching since 2017, but I’ve been tutoring since 2012.
Q: What brought you to Rosary?
A: I saw Rosary needed a teacher on Edjoin, so I applied for the job.
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: I have two chiweenies named Charlie and Sally like from “The Peanuts Movie,” and they are one and one and a half years old.
Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I like to obsess over digital music production. I also enjoy painting and trying out new recipes. One of my favorite foods to make is pasta.
Q: What type of music do you like?
A: I listen to a lot of drum and bass music!
Q: What is your favorite show or movie?

Q: What are you most excited for this year?
A: I’m excited for my daughters to start second grade and pre-k.
Q: What’s a fun fact about you?
A: I follow politics daily and I enjoy learning more about what is going on in the world.
Make sure to give all the new teachers a warm welcome this year. We are so excited to have Mr. Fusco and all the new teachers at Rosary!