Now that summer begins in a few short days, I wanted to figure out what the Rosary teachers were planning on doing during this well-deserved break. I asked a few of Rosary’s most beloved teachers some questions in order to get the inside scoop from the Royal staff.
- What do you plan on doing this summer?
First the math legend himself, Mr. Clough, says, “I’ll be teaching summer classes at Rosary, catching up with friends and family, and enjoying the beach.” I couldn’t agree more with Mr. Clough’s itinerary.
Next up, the one and only Mr. Bevins tells us his ultimate plans: “I plan on spending as much time as possible at the beach and at the pool with my family.”
Finally, our lovely French teacher, Mrs. Neumann, says, “This summer, I look forward to spending time with my husband, kids, and pets.” I love a good family hangout, so I fully support Mrs. Neumann’s summer plans.
2. What are you most looking forward to over the summer?
Mr. Clough gives us the motto of the summer: “Rest, relaxation, and some weekend getaways.” I couldn’t have said it better myself, thanks, Mr. Clough.
Mr. Bevins commented, “I am most excited to have some time to continue teaching Rylee how to swim and to work on getting Sylvie water safe.”

Mrs. Neumann talks about her fabulous summer plans: “Next month, I am meeting up with my sister for a week in France. We will spend most of our time in Paris but will also take a day trip to Strasbourg, in the region of Alsace, where our grandfather was from. I am really looking forward to how regenerative summer can be with its change in routine.” That sounds like an amazing trip, I can’t wait to see the photos.
3. What do you think students should do over the summer?
Mr. Cough advises, “Enjoy the summer, hangout with family and friends, read a good book, and take some college tours.”
Mr. Bevins gives some great advice to students: “I think everyone should spend as much time with the people they love doing the things they enjoy most over summer. I think students should take some time to get away from academics and try a new hobby or just be with people who make them happy. I would urge them to not get caught staring at a screen all summer and to get outside and make some adventures happen!”
Lastly, Ms. Newman tells us about her honest advice: “I hope that students take the opportunity to spend more time with their families, friends, and also try a new routine (summer job, volunteer opportunities, exploration of classes for personal enrichment and interests, etc.).”
Overall, I hope everyone has a wonderful and restful summer. Happy summer, Royals!