If you asked me four years ago at the start of my freshman year if I would ever be interested in writing for the Royal Reporter, I would have laughed in your face.
At the beginning of high school, I was very shy about my writing. But after a slightly traumatizing freshman year with Mr. Bevins, and again with Ms. Barclay ‘94 during my junior year, I gained a new-found confidence in my writing capabilities. So, when I was building my schedule for my senior year, I knew I would want to be involved in the journalism class. Truly, the only regret I have is not joining sooner.
The best thing about journalism is the creative liberty. What other class could I write about what Servite Friars look for in a wife, or my favorite moments from the past season of Dancing with the Stars? I am beyond grateful for the trust Ms. Barclay has bestowed upon her writers and editors.
The lessons I have learned, the bonds I have created, and the memories I have made within this class have been surreal and have shaped me into the writer and woman I am today. From learning how to write articles in proper AP style, to bugging teachers and students for quotes and pictures, this class has boosted my confidence as a writer and pushed me to pursue journalism in college.

Journalism has not only affected me so much but other students as well. Marci Rau ‘24 adds, “I have made so many new friendships due to the countless amount of times this class has pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I’ve emailed classmates for quotes whom I would have never spoken to otherwise, and I am so grateful for that little push to make new friends.”
So Royals, when you see an alumna lurking in room 208, know it is because of the incredible impact this class has had on me academically and emotionally. Thank you to anyone who helped edit my articles, read my published work, or provided me with pictures and quotes to bring life to these stories. And finally, to the woman I owe all my gratitude to, thank you, Ms. Barclay, for making the four walls of room 208 feel like another home and for always trusting me and my writing, I don’t know what I would have done without you.