This past Wednesday, Royals were recognized for their many achievements for the 2023-2024 school year. The annual Recognition Assembly highlights the hard work of Rosary students in both academics and athletics.
Academic Decathlon kicked off the assembly with their individual placements and honors from competition. Mr. Tice then took the stage to honor all of the scholar-athletes and the individual athletes of the year and multi-sport athletes of the year from each grade.
Following these awards, new Royal Ambassadors, Campus Ministers, National Honor Society, and PAL leaders accepted their positions for next school year. All groups promised to fulfill their duties to the school, just like those who came before them. Senior Andrea Urbina was also recognized for having perfect attendance throughout her 4 years at Rosary, which impressed the entire school.
The next student to take the stage was McKinley Fregoso ’24, who received the Club of the Year award. Her Baking Battles Club not only baked sweet treats but also donated them to local emergency workers. McKinley shared, “It was a lot of hard work, but I am glad we were able to show our appreciation to all our first responders.”

Dr. Yoon continued the program by recognizing this year’s Teacher of the Year. Señora Ray was honored, and the students were delighted to see her accept this award. When asked about how she felt when the students gave her a standing ovation, Señora Ray answered, “Super woot woot.”
The final part of the assembly consisted of Ms. La Bonte saying farewell to past ASB members and welcoming the incoming officers for the next school year. The school was able to thank all the senior members for their time and hard work.
To wrap up the assembly, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors lined up outside to surprise the seniors with their goodbye tunnel. Everyone blew bubbles as the seniors passed through the halls for one of the last times. This tradition is meant for the school to say farewell as the seniors get ready for their graduation next week. We will all miss the Class of 2024.