There has been a lot of buzz around about Rosary’s stellar track program. This week I had the opportunity to interview one of Rosary’s most notable track stars, sophomore Justine Wilson.
In her two years at Rosary, she has broken four school records. Most recently being the 200 Meter. She has also been featured by UndertheRadar, an Instagram sports page and the OC Register for her athleticism.
Q: When did you start track, and what has it been like through the years?
A: My oldest sister ran track and I watch her at meets. That inspired me to join, so I joined around 2015. It’s been a lot of hard work. It’s been tough, but it’s also brought me so much happiness through the friendships and mentors I’ve gained.
Q: What has been your biggest accomplishment for track?
A: My biggest accomplishment has been repeatedly breaking the school record with my team five times in a row last year in the 4×100.
Q: How has it felt being recognized in the media for track?
A: Honestly, when it initially happened, I was so confused. It was right after my race that I got a video taken for UnderTheRadar, so I was out of breath. But that aside, its honestly felt great that someone has recognized all the hard work I’ve put in and will continue to put in. It feels good to be seen.

Q: How has faith played a role in your athletics?
A: Praying and talking to God before every race has helped me calm down and ease my nerves. Thanking Him for all my successes and losses helps me to trust in Him and have peace of mind.
Q: What’s been the hardest thing about the track?
A: The hardest thing is probably trying to please everybody. Coaches, teammates, and parents’ expectations are hard to deal with.
Q: How has track affected you in your day-to-day life?
A: It takes a lot of time. Like a lot. It keeps me constantly busy, and I’ve made a lot of friends from track, and I don’t know where I’d be without it. Track gives me something to work hard for.
Q: What is a common misconception in track?
A: People think it’s easy. Although it is really just running, at the end of the day it takes so much dedication and hard work to get in shape and where you want to be. It’s hard because it’s an individual sport, and so every week you just have to beat yourself. It’s kind of draining because you’re constantly by yourself.
Q: Would you want to pursue it in college?
A: Yes, I’d like to pursue it in college. I want to be a part of an athletic environment that big universities have.
Q: What is your favorite thing about being an athlete?
A: The environment, although it can be hard and even draining, there’s people there to make you feel better. People that have been through the exact same thing you’re going through. Being an athlete also makes you feel good about yourself. The feeling of accomplishment after a hard practice or competition is the best feeling.
We all wish Justine luck in the next two years of her high school career. We are excited to see what comes next for her!