It has been announced that Rosary will not be returning to Trinity League at the start of the next school year. The Trinity League is the group of schools that Rosary Athletics competes with in league matches. Orange Lutheran, Mater Dei, Santa Margarita, and JSerra are the high schools that make up this competitive league. Rosary will now take part in the Pacific Coast Conference, and there are mixed opinions about this switch.
Varsity soccer player Amaya Faison ’26 shares, “I am going to miss the Trinity league; every team in the league was challenging and made the Rosary soccer program closer as a team. However, coming to a new league may give our program more opportunities that we haven’t had before. I am excited and can’t wait for what this next season brings.”
Junior softball player Sabrina Martin also has some thoughts about this switch, and she explains, “Even though Rosary is leaving Trinity League, I feel like it was preparing us for our new path. As a smaller school, we were challenged against our big opponents but we held up well. With changing leagues, we will get to play a lot more teams and hopefully win in league next year.”
Director of Athletics and softball coach Mr. Tice was a part of this decision, and when asked about why this switch was made he answered, “Most of the county leagues are becoming conferences because in a larger conference, the distribution of playoff spots is more equal. So from that regard, it is exciting to be in a conference knowing that more of our teams will have more of a chance. It is no fun leaving our Trinity League opponents, but in most sports, we will continue playing those teams in non-league matchups.”
There are going to be many good opportunities coming out of this switch for Rosary Sports. However, some coaches are unsure about this. When head soccer coach Sean Melendez was asked about his opinion he said, “I’m going to have to leave that one alone and say no comment.”

Even some of the Servite Friars had something to say about Rosary’s move. Soccer player Korey Villanueva ’24 states, “Rosary leaving the Trinity League is absolutely diabolical! The amount of talent in each of the teams shows how they deserve to stay and dominate in the Trinity League.”
Junior volleyball player Ethan Bautista agrees with Korey and says, “I don’t agree with the decision of Rosary leaving the league next year. I think they deserve to stay and compete.”
Although some feel Rosary would’ve done well if our teams stayed in Trinity League, our athletes are prepared and ready to compete in the Pacific Coast Conference this upcoming year. This change can bring new opportunities to the Royals, and we are excited to see what great accomplishments these athletes will achieve!