As graduation approaches, it is nice to keep up with what Rosary alumnae have done in college. Alumna Daly Holman ‘22 currently attends the University of Tennessee and holds an important leadership position in her sorority, Chi Omega. To find out more about her role, I reached out to ask her all about her sorority life.

Q: What made you join a sorority going into college?
A: I was looking for a sisterhood like I had at Rosary, and I knew I wanted to get involved in a group that made a big campus feel small.
Q: How would you describe your recruitment process?
A: My recruitment experience was exciting and fun for me because I felt well prepared. I looked at it as a new way to make friends, and I didn’t put any pressure on myself.
Q: What is CPD and how did you become involved in it?
A: I am the director of CPD (career and personal development) for Chi Omega at the University of Tennessee! I knew I wanted to uphold a position in Chi O once I was old enough and the time finally came! I went through a long interview process and was chosen for the position by our DOP (director of positions).
Q: How do you best balance college life with your sorority life?
A: It took me a while to figure out how to balance school and sorority life, but I finally feel like I got it down. I do my best to plan my events very early and organize them ahead of time, so I don’t feel last minute stress during the week. I also keep my school life and sorority life organized with a planner. I don’t know what I would do without it. My biggest advice for finding balance in school is to take advantage of all the little breaks between your daily plans. It may not seem like 20 minutes is a long time, but you can get a lot done if you focus!

Q: What have you learned from your sorority experience so far?
A: My sorority experience has taught me so many different things. First of all, I have learned how important it is to try new things. If I had not pushed myself to move across the country by myself, go through the formal recruitment process by myself, and get involved in my sorority, I would not be where I am today. I have made a completely new life in Tennessee and I owe it all to Chi Omega.
Q: If someone was on the fence about joining a sorority, what advice would you give to them?
A: DO IT. You can always decide that the sorority life is not for you, but you can not go back and join once it’s too late. Give it a shot! Joining Chi Omega has been one of the best decisions of my life.
Rosary is so proud of all our alumnae and their accomplishments. Keep up the good work Royals!