Next Wednesday March 27, all grandparents or grandparent figures are invited to Rosary for mass. Grandparents are also welcome and encouraged to stay with their granddaughter throughout the afternoon to celebrate the day.
A lot of Rosary girls thoroughly enjoy bringing their grandparents to Mass and spending the day with them. Senior Finley Hawkins describes, “I love experiencing a day at school with my grandparents. They support me and my education constantly, and when they come for my Grandparents Mass, they are able to see how much their support has made an impact.”
Grandparents Mass is a very important day to our Rosary tradition. Izzy Walker ‘24 explains, “I think grandparents day is a great Rosary tradition because girls and their grandparents can not only go to Mass together but also spend valuable time together.” Mrs. Flati adds, “I enjoy seeing our Royals with their grandparents. Its nice to see the connections we have with our grandparents. It is truly a special bond.”
The day runs on a different schedule than usual. Here is the schedule:
10:15 am: Grandparents arrive
10:20-10:30 am: Students meet grandparents in quad
10:35 am – 12:00 pm: Mass
12:00 pm: Dismissal
Registration is required but there is no cost. The registration link can be found on the Rosary website. See you there!