Red and Gold 2024 has officially come to an end, so here are the words I would like to share with my beloved Red Team:
To the freshmen,
I am so proud of everyone for stepping out of their comfort zones and embracing the chaos of Red and Gold. I know it can feel overwhelming at times, but you all handled yourselves well, and I hope you had the best experience imaginable. I advise you to not hesitate when it comes to trying something new if you have even the slightest interest. Enjoy every single moment of Red and Gold because it will fly by faster than you think.

To the sophomores,
You guys have shown so much growth between this year and last year. I loved seeing the confidence in every single one of you. I felt so proud to see you guys taking charge as captains and being leaders for the freshmen. I cannot wait to see the impact you will have next year, and I am thrilled to be able to work with all of you again.
To the juniors,
To say that I am proud is an understatement. As a class, we have always struggled to keep up with the others when it came to excitement or spirit, but you guys truly shined these past six weeks. It made me so happy to see everyone so passionate about this show. You all wanted to be successful and it showed b0th on and off stage. I loved seeing the effort put in every single flex no matter how tired or stressed you guys were. I appreciate all your hard work, and I hope you all remember to cherish these memories because we have one more year together. I promise we will make next year the best of all your experiences!

To the seniors,
Being able to get to know you all makes it so much harder to say goodbye. You have been great role models for the classes below you and your energy has been unmatched throughout the entirety of Red and Gold. I hope your final experience in the show was amazing even though it was not the outcome we all wished for. I am so proud of all of you for being so flexible when changes were necessary and encouraging when you saw a fellow Red Team member feeling down. You will all be missed so much, and I am so grateful to have shared this Red and Gold season with you.
To the captains,
The role of Red and Gold captain is anything but easy. I thank all of you for being amazing and understanding every single day. You guys showed me so much love, and I hope you know it never went unnoticed. Without all of your hard work, this show would not have been possible. Watching all our ideas come to life through your actions was something so special. From our onstage categories to our offstage, every single role was a key part of making our performance work. You are all amazing, and I hope you had as great of a time as I did.

Finally, to Ava Fishman ’24,
My Producer, I can not put into words how much I appreciate all of your hard work. I have never witnessed someone as passionate and determined as you. There is no way I could have been successful without you. You are an amazing leader, and I now know I can be successful because I learned from the best. I wish everyone could see all the details you pay attention to and focus on to make our show the very best it can be. Red Team loves you forever and ever, and we appreciate everything you have done for us.
The last thank you goes to the Gold Team. Thank you for being you and constantly pushing the Red Team to do nothing but our very best. You guys have been great competitors throughout this year’s Red and Gold. Red Team loves you all very much.
Until next year, Go Red!
Love, Jazzy Sandoval, Red Co-Producer