Amidst the award show season, the popularity of the app “Letterboxd” has skyrocketed. The purpose of Letterboxd (yes, the typo is intentional) is to log and review each movie you watch. You can curate a list of your top four favorite movies, compare reviews with friends, and even see reviews on some of your favorite movies from users all over the world. Sometimes Letterboxd reviews can get pretty absurd; if you didn’t have context on the movie the review is about, it would be almost impossible to guess what movie the review is written for. As avid Letterboxd users and the Royal Reporter’s resident cinema connoisseurs, we (Izzy and Sara) have designed a quiz to showcase how weird some of these reviews can get. Make sure you keep track of your answers so that at the end, you can see how big of a film fan you are. So, without further ado, let the 77th Hunger Games begin!

1. Which movie starring the only man that truly matters is this review written for?
“Every time Jacob Elordi stood next to a car, I thought, ‘No way is he fitting in there.’”
a. “Saltburn”
b. “Priscilla”
c. “The Kissing Booth”
d. “The Kissing Booth 2”
2. Which movie warranted this scathing review and the disdain of someone’s mother?
“I love this movie, but my mom hates it because ‘That bear is so irresponsible’.”
a. “Brother Bear”
b. “Over the Hedge”
c. “Paddington”
d. “Fantastic Mr. Fox”
3. On to the next! What movie is this review from?
“I can really relate to Victor because I too look like I haven’t slept in years.”
a. “Corpse Bride”
b. “The Nightmare Before Christmas”
c. “Frankenstein (1931)”
d. “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”
4. Time for a tricky one! Set aside your personal biases because there can only be one right answer.
“I mean… it wasn’t as good as Twilight (2008) but it was OK.”
a. “2001: A Space Odyssey”
b. “The Godfather”
c. “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi”
d. “Finding Nemo”
5. Which movie matches this review? (If you get this wrong, we cannot be friends.)
“Two names. Two boyfriends. Two best friends. Two semesters. Two school plays. Two dances. Two parties. Two distinct relationships with her parents. Two potential colleges. Two churches. And a hundred million kajillion tears for the scene at the airport.”
a. “Braveheart”
b. “Hunger Games: Catching Fire”
c. “La La Land”
d. “Lady Bird”
6. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the person who wrote this review:
“What helpline do you call if your girlfriend is swooning over a fictitious blue alien with a comically large head? Asking for a friend.”
a. “Avatar: The Way of Water”
b. “Megamind”
c. “Lilo & Stitch”
d. “E.T. the Extraterrestrial”
7. Take a guess, dear reader:
“I miss when life was simple and my only problem was that I couldn’t do ‘The Cup Song.’”
a. “Pitch Perfect”
b. “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”
c. “Hairspray”
d. “Silence of the Lambs”
8. This next movie is an absolute classic; can you guess which it is?
“Dear men, what’s stopping you from being like Heath Ledger?”
a. “The Dark Knight”
b. “10 Things I Hate About You”
c. “A Knight’s Tale”
d. “The Patriot”
9. I wonder what movie we picked next…
“This film walked so that Phineas and Ferb could run.”
a. “Onward”
b. “The Super Mario Bros. Movie”
c. “Step Brothers”
d. “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”
10. Last one, best one. This movie is forever one of our favorites, but can you guess which?
“I too want to strut around a courtroom wearing the cutest little outfits.”
a. “The Judge”
b. “Laws of Attraction”
c. “Legally Blonde”
d. “My Cousin Vinny”
Alright, pat yourselves on the back! You got through the hard part, but now it’s time to hit the answers.
- “Priscilla.” And yet every time, he did fit in that car.
- “Paddington.” Your honor, he is not irresponsible. He’s a just small bear in a big world.
- “Corpse Bride.” A relatable sentiment because the second semester of senior year has RUINED both of our sleep schedules.
- “The Godfather.” Sorry, it was an offer we couldn’t refuse!
- “Lady Bird.” You better have gotten this one right. We’ll know if you didn’t.
- “Megamind.” Comedy, tragedy, cinematic drama: “Megamind” does it all.
- “Pitch Perfect.” Aca-scuse me? You best not have missed this one.
- “10 Things I Hate About You.” We could write a million things I love about Heath Ledger.
- “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” Bueller? Bueller? The Flynn brothers owe it all to you.
- “Legally Blonde.” Don’t stomp your last season Prada shoes at me, honey!
Time to score yourselves! We’ll tell you what kind of movie watcher you are based on your answers.
10 correct: You are perfect in every way. Except for the fact that you are far too media-literate. Congratulations, but please go touch some grass for our sake and yours.
9-8 correct: Ok, Martin Scorcese! You’re an avid movie watcher of all genres and a great guesser too. It’s ok, we know you’ve logged four movies on Letterboxd in the last week.
7-6 correct: You casually watch a movie every now and then, but you’re chill about it. You don’t have a Letterboxd top four already picked out, but you’d be able to name your favorite four movies off the top of your head.
5-4 correct: Don’t sweat it! Although this typically wouldn’t be considered a passing score, you’re a winner in our hearts. However, you might want to give Letterboxd a whirl to broaden your cinematic horizons.
3-2 correct: You may have some studying to do. Luckily for you, we will be teaching a seminar at UCLA named, “Izzy and Sara Present: The Only Movies that Matter 101.” The course will be required for graduation.
1-0 correct: Dost thou liveth under a rock? Well, so does Patrick Star of “SpongeBob SquarePants” fame, so you’re in good company.
Thanks for your participation in our cinema quiz! Make sure to follow us on Letterboxd for more of our awesome reviews @izzyywalker and @sara_kgarcia. Sound off in the comments your score and your favorite movie.