Next week, Monday, Jan. 29, through Friday, Feb. 2, Rosary Academy will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week with Catholic schools across the country.
Rosary celebrates this week every year to showcase its unique identity as a Catholic school. Mrs. Kearns ‘78 elaborates on the importance of Catholic Schools Week: “Catholic Schools Week highlights and celebrates our students, faculty/staff, families and outside community…We also focus on our core values of sisterhood, service and community – we strive to live out our charism because of our commitment to live out our faith.”
Next week, Rosary will be celebrating every day with themed days and several events. Activities Director Ms. LaBonte ‘09 shares Rosary’s busy schedule next week:
Monday, Jan. 29: Celebrating the Community. We will be having a coat drive. The coats collected will directly benefit those in our community who need them most. The drive will go from Jan. 29 to Feb. 9. This is an opportunity for the Red and Gold teams to earn points.
Tuesday, Jan. 30: Celebrating our Students. All students may wear jeans and a shirt in their team color: Red or Gold! Come to the Karcher Center at lunch to watch a Disney movie.
Wednesday, Jan. 31: Celebrating the Nation. Take some time to celebrate our local and national leaders by making snack baskets for local first responders.
Thursday, Feb. 1: Celebrating Vocations. Come to the quad at lunch to write a note to Fr. Ian and Fr. Mike to thank them for their vocation. Take some time to celebrate and thank the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange who reminds us to live out their charism every day.
Friday, Feb. 2: Celebrating Faculty, Staff, & Volunteers. Take some time to celebrate and thank our faculty and staff for all they do at Rosary!
Since Rosary shares a common Catholic identity with many partner schools, Rosary faculty will be sending other local Catholic schools flower bouquets.

Catholic Schools Week 2024 will be an nice opportunity for Rosary to celebrate all the people and blessings that make it so unique.