Following the Rosary Day Mass on Friday, Oct. 6, the Faley family presented the Kathleen Faley Memorial Scholarship to juniors Alanis Guardian and Destiny Itzel Guzman-Lopez, and The Royal Reporter’s own Mandy Puga ‘24 earned the Lauri Chiaretta Memorial Scholarship.
Let’s talk to the awardees!
What does your scholarship mean to you?
Alanis: I am beyond grateful for it. The scholarship means so much to me and my family as it helps so much financially. I am grateful that Rosary and the Faley family considered me and truly listened to my voice in my essay.
Itzel: Being awarded the Kathleen Faley Scholarship was such an honor; I was beyond touched that the Faley family resonated with what I had to say in my application and chose me to honor Kathleen Faley’s memory. I hope I will be able to leave an impact upon the Rosary community just as Kathleen did.
Mandy: It meant a lot to me because I wanted to dedicate it to my parents; I know how hard they work to pay my tuition, so this was an appreciation for all the hard work they’ve given me. It made me feel really happy that all my hard work was worth it for something.
What was your favorite part of Rosary Day?
Alanis: My favorite part of Rosary Day was the Mass and the end celebration. Although the entire ceremony was truly beautiful, celebrating with my sisters was filled with love and joy.
Itzel: My favorite part of Rosary Day was the ceremony and the meaning behind it all. Being unified with my whole class and celebrating together the transition in our high school career from underclasswomen to upperclasswomen was so exciting, and being able to symbolize that by alumnae gifting us our rings was so beautiful to see and be part of.
Mandy: For past Rosary Days, I loved the joy of riding over to Disneyland and having my ring. This Rosary Day, other than Disneyland, the best part of the day was when the senior class started singing the juniors’ song to symbolize supporting them as they become upperclasswomen.
What are your goals for yourself this year and beyond?
Alanis: My goals for this year are to continue putting effort into school and myself. I think self-balance is key. Therefore, I want to manage my time wisely towards studying and make time to mentally take care of myself. I also want to volunteer more often and apply myself in communities that need help since any little thing can make a difference.
Itzel: Some goals I have for myself are to stay on top of my studies, be more active within my community, and have a fun year. Junior year is a big year both academically and socially, so I want to manage a good social and school balance. I still want to hang out with friends and do all the exciting teen things but still maintain good grades. I also want to play a more active role in my community, whether that’s by volunteering locally in my city or doing work here on Rosary’s campus. I hope I still prioritize these goals when I am in college and achieve them wherever life takes me.
Mandy: I want to continue setting high academic standards for myself, especially since I’m starting to feel the signs of senioritis. I want to keep pushing through to the end. I also want to learn something new every day and be happy with what I’m doing.
What is your best advice to the underclasswomen?
Alanis: Just enjoy Rosary. The high school years go by incredibly fast, and it’ll be over before we know it. I advise them to focus in school and create good habits to set themselves up for success. I also advise them to try new things and step out of their comfort zones; opportunities are limitless here at Rosary Academy. Lastly, I want them to enjoy every moment, every laugh, every cry, every mistake, and every accomplishment.
Itzel: Don’t let fear hold you back. As an underclasswomen, everything is so new and can seem scary, but don’t let that stop you from trying new things. If you think that one girl in your class seems cool, start a conversation with her; if that sport seems fun, try it out. Apply for that scholarship you think you won’t have a chance of winning. You never know, so have some courage, and don’t miss out.
Mandy: Don’t take any of this for granted. It becomes repetitive (a lot of people say it), but you don’t get an experience like Rosary anywhere else, and it really does go by fast. I didn’t realize this would be my last Rosary Day, so cherish every single moment because it flies by quickly.
Congratulations to Alanis, Itzel, and Mandy! The Rosary community is so happy for you and cannot wait to see everything you all accomplish!