Rosary’s own Mrs. Huerta ‘94, the Assistant Principal of Student Services, has a freshman daughter, Hayden Huerta. Hayden already participates in Rosary Flag Football and is very familiar with Rosary’s awesome traditions because of her mom. I was able to ask Hayden a few questions about the start of her high school years and about her experience having her mom be the Mrs. Huerta.
Q: How are you liking Rosary so far?
A: Rosary has been fun and good so far; I like it.
Q: What is one tradition you’ve heard about that you’re excited to participate in?
A: I’m really excited for Red and Gold. I’ve always gone and watched, and I’m excited I finally get to participate in it.

Q: What is your favorite thing about school so far?
A: My favorite thing about school is being able to see my friends and going to the football games.
Q: How are you liking flag football?
A: I’m really enjoying flag football; it’s so much fun and it’s competitive.

Q: Are you planning on participating in other sports and activities Rosary offers?
A: I’m going to participate in in softball, wresting, and maybe eventually ASB.
Q: How do you feel that your mom is Assistant Principal of Student Services at Rosary?
A: I don’t mind having my mom work here. I would say the first week of school it was weird seeing my mom on campus.
Q: Did your mom have a big influence on where you were going to high school?
A: I would say my mom had a little influence on where I went for high school. Honestly, though, I don’t know where I would’ve gone for high school if I didn’t go to Rosary, I’ve grown up here.
Mrs. Huerta:
Q: How does it feel to have your daughter attending Rosary?
A: It doesn’t feel too different. She has basically grown up here. She would always come to my office after her school day ended at St. Juliana.

Q: How are you feeling that your daughter is able to enjoy Rosary traditions and love them just as much as you do?
A: I am excited to watch her enjoy some of the Rosary traditions, especially Red & Gold. She has always gone to watch during performance weekend and even judged once or twice. It will be fun to watch her up on stage.
Q: What’s it like having Hayden on campus with you?
A: It is easier to have her on campus with me. We have the same start and end times and the same days off. I barely see her during the day, but that is good for her. I want her to be her own person and not be known as my daughter, but if she needs something in an emergency, I am here for her.
Q: What is your favorite part about having Hayden attend Rosary?
A: I am looking forward to watching her create lifelong friendships.
We are so excited to welcome Hayden and the class of 2027 to the Rosary community! I think Rosary newest iconic mother-daughter duo will take over the hearts of Royals everywhere.