With the start of a new year, Rosary has gained many new teachers, including the one and only Dr. Monell, our new performing arts teacher and an excellent addition to Rosary’s campus. Dr. Monell has taken over room 5 with a lot of excitement for the upcoming year.
I was able to interview Dr. Monell to learn more about who she is today. So, stay tuned to keep reading all about her.
Q: What are you most excited about this year at Rosary?
A: The chance to get everyone excited about learning different aspects of music.
Q: What do you teach?
A: I teach musical theatre, choir, orchestra, song writing, and learning strategies.
Q: I heard that you are originally from New York. What’s your favorite pizza place?
A: I will definitely have to say Angelo’s. They have the best pizza.
Q: Are you nervous for this school year?
A: Yes. No question.
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: I have a Dog, she’s a rescue. Her name is Maddie, and she is between 3-4 years old. I don’t

know exactly what she is, but I think she is a mix of a Catahoula Leopard and a Shepherd. I don’t know what kind of Shepherd she is but something that sheds a lot. I really wanted to name her Cat (because she’s a Catahoula), but my son wouldn’t let me do that.
Q: What’s your favorite thing about teaching?
A: How much I learn from teaching.
Q: Do you like Taylor Swift?
A: Uhm… I think that there are a lot of good things that she does, but it is not the kind of music I like. But I can appreciate all the work that goes into her music.
Q: Who is your favorite music artist?
A: Depends on the day. I listen to so many different things. Sometimes it will be Bruce Springsteen and sometimes it will be Mozart and everything in between. I really love Cold play, Billy Joel, and even classic jazz.
Q: Favorite sweets?
A: I am a cookie person. My favorite cookie is shortbread.
Q: What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?
A: Nightmare on Elm Street, and I don’t watch scary movies anymore because of that.
Q: If every time you exited a room, you had an outro song, what would it be?

A: This is a good question, “How Can I Keep From Singing?” feels fitting.
Q: What’s something interesting about you that none of your students knows?
A: They know that I sang in the opera, so not that. I don’t think they know that I have sang many times in Lincoln Center at Carnegie Hall with some amazing conductors. I also sang with Leonard Bernstein, which was incredible. I really have experienced so many amazing things.
Thank you Dr. Monell for giving us the opportunity to learn more about you. We cannot wait for this new year with you. Welcome to the Rosary family!