My Heart’s Fullest in Room 208…

Photo Provided by Daniela Arias '23

Journalism ended up being my thing. Who would’ve thought?! (Photo Provided by Daniela Arias)

Daniela Arias, Editor-in-Chief

After three years of serving on the Royal Reporter, the time has come. It’s time to say goodbye to the newspaper I’ve written on for what seems like my entire time at Rosary, and let me just tell you, it’s not easy.

For a long time in high school, I felt a little bit lost. I didn’t have a “thing,” and it seemed to me that all my brilliant classmates already came into Rosary having an established “thing.” Some had a flair for theatre, others were star athletes, and some were just astronomically smart. But, what was I? That was something I found myself questioning often. What was I, and how would I find a way to make myself stand out in a sea full of talented girls?

Obviously, I found that answer written in bold while picking my elective for my sophomore year. I had dabbled in broadcast journalism in middle school, but I had never really had experience in print journalism. Nonetheless, I pushed my fear of the unknown and my doubts aside, and I decided to try journalism—hoping that it could potentially be my “thing.”

Fast forward three years later, not only is it my thing, but it’s also my college major! It’s the major that got me into the school that I’ll be dedicating four years of my life to.

The Royal Reporter didn’t just give me an idea of what I wanted to do in the future; it gave me my identity and an idea of what I want my purpose in life to be. The staff writer to Editor-in-Chief pipeline is not for the weak, but it forces you to grow.

One of the many weird parties we had in journalism. I really hope college is exactly like this. (Photo Credit: Daniela Arias ’23) 

Being editor-in-chief, I’ve grown my compassion, firmness, communication skills, and I’ve learned how to become a leader who leads on the foundations of kindness and understanding. I don’t think I realized how much I enjoyed helping others learn and grow until I became Editor-in-Chief. It showed me that although I’m still learning and developing in writing and even as a person, I can still serve as a mentor to others.

I’ll miss this... (Photo Credit: Daniela Arias ’23)

Being on the Royal Reporter, I also came to embrace chaos and hecticness. I know, I know, who likes chaos? But, for me, nothing can top the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I edit five articles in one sitting. I thrive off of being busy. Because—though I may not like to admit it—when I feel busy, I feel like I have a purpose.

I can’t write this article without including a few thank you’s… So, thank you, Ms. Barclay.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for trusting me as Editor-in-Chief and trusting my judgment when it comes to all things journalism. You helped me find what makes me happy and gave me an idea of what I would like to pursue. That is something that I feel not even a million thank you’s could express my gratitude for.

Thank you to all my fellow writers on the Royal Reporter. I’m a firm believer that you can’t be a leader if there’s no one allowing/seeking for you to lead, but you all made it easy. Your creativity and innovation when it comes to articles leave me in awe each week, and I’ll miss the refreshingly hilarious commentary coming from the left side of the classroom and all the gossip from the right.

I’m trading in red and gold for crimson, blue, and white. I’m excited…but severely unwell. (Photo Credit: Daniela Arias ’23)

My heart feels the fullest when I’m in room 208 editing like a mad woman or chuckling at one of the many jokes Ms. Barclay cracks in class.  The Royal Reporter (and Ms. Barclay) are what kept me at Rosary, they’re what made me love Rosary, and they will keep me coming back to Rosary. Thank you so much for reading my articles (whoever you may be), and I cannot wait to further my journalistic endeavors for the Los Angeles Loyolan.