The final countdown

Andrea Salazar

I miss this.

Andrea Salazar, Staff Writer

We’re in the home stretch. Seniors are leaving, and the rest of Rosary is ready to start summer with them. However, the rest of the student body still has to face the annual end-of-year dread that comes with finals.

So, for my sake (and hopefully this will help you too), I’ve compiled a list of things to look forward to for motivation before summer finally hits…

  1. Beach days

Who doesn’t love a nice day at the beach? Riding bikes with friends during sunset and spending a heinous amount of money on acai bowls. Long Beach and Laguna are a slice of heaven with the right people.

2. Nothing.

Yes, you read that right. Doing absolutely nothing is what helps me push through these last couple days of school. I might be suffering now, but the thought of not having to work on a computer for at least another month keeps me sane. I could spend my entire day just sitting outside, and no one could say a thing.

3. Sleep

If you’re a high school student, you know the struggles of getting a full eight hours of z’s. Especially if you do sports or Trinitas. The sleep I get in the summer prepares me for the school year ahead, and right now, I’m running low on energy, but coffee and energy drinks will have to do for now.

4. Smoothie Bowls

Yes, you can have an acai bowl during the school year, but they really just don’t hit the same when it’s 60 degrees out. Especially with the crazy cold weather this year, you better believe I’m looking forward to some scorching hot days, so I can grab myself a refreshing smoothie bowl. If I’m ever claimed missing in the summer, you’ll find me at the nearest Jamba Juice or Movita Bar.

5. Tanning

Oh, how I miss my summer tan. California sun hasn’t been California-ing this year. So, you guessed it, I look like a ghost. All I have left to do is reminisce by looking at photos from the beginning of freshman year football games where my skin was still somewhat sun kissed.

6. Traveling

Whether it’s back to my motherland of Costa Rica, down to San Diego, or to Barnes and Noble to spend a wretched amount of money on books, being able to go wherever whenever (for the most part) makes summer so spontaneous and just wonderful.

Need to go back and see San Diego Dinos. (Photo taken by: Andrea Salazar)


Now that you’ve read all these reasons, I want to recognize that summer is closer than we all think. Use these to motivate yourself for the final push through finals, and relish in these last few days of school because at some point this summer, you’ll be on your way to the beach after a good nap with a smoothie bowl and summer tan.