Dear Seniors…

Photo Credit: Lea Monroy '24

I don’t know what I will do without them next year.

Lianna Enright, Copy Editor

Even though we lost, my last Red and Gold with Alex was one of the best. (Photo Provided by Lianna Enright ’24)

As the end of the year comes around, most people can’t wait for summer. Don’t get me wrong, I love summer, but as it approaches, my time with some of my best friends gets increasingly shorter. For their last full day of school, I wanted to say something to some of the seniors who changed my life for the better.

Layla (Layla Valenzuela ’23),

Layla never fails to make me laugh with the most random comments that come out of nowhere. (Photo Provided by Lianna Enright ’24)

I remember coming in on the first day of Journalism, being the only junior and not knowing anyone. You were the first one to talk to me and introduce me to your friends, whom I came to love as the year went on. Thank you for helping me get out of my comfort zone and for making me laugh even when I feel like I can’t. I can’t wait to see what you do in college. You’re so beautiful and talented, and I know you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. Wagner made a good decision when they chose you.

Allie (Allison Lillestol ’23),

One of my favorite memories with Allie is when she came into Journalism with her “little” sunburn. (Photo Credit: Lianna Enright ’24)

You’re one of the sweetest and most positive people I’ve ever met. Everytime you walk into a room, my mood instantly gets better. I love talking about the latest Harry Styles and Taylor Swift news and picking out our concert outfits together. You’re such a bright and special person in the best way. Don’t let people take away the glow that makes you who you are. Even in my Sophomore year when we had AP Psych together, we didn’t really talk that much, but I remember you making the class laugh from across the room. You make everywhere you go a better place. I know you’ll do amazing things for yourself and for others, just like you did for me.

Allie loves her iconic veggie straws almost as much as I love her. (Photo Credit: Lianna Enright ’24)

Alex (Alex Bohn ’23),

Alex was the best shoe tier. (Photo Credit: Lianna Enright ’24)

Out of all the seniors, I think I have probably grown the closest to you. I love our therapy sessions in Journalism and our shared confusion in AP Stats. You’re such an amazing and funny person, and I genuinely can’t imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t met you. I’ve known you since I was in 7th grade, but we never actually talked to each other until Journalism this year. You always know what to say when I don’t know what to do.

Even though I’ll miss you, I’m so excited for you to go to college. I’ve witnessed how hard you work and how much effort you put into every aspect of your life. You’ve never made me feel like I’m less than perfect, even though I’m nowhere near it. No matter how cheesy it sounds, you really did change my life and make me a better person. I love how you express yourself and are confident in who you are. I’ll miss our talks and random selfies that can’t be replaced by anyone else. When you’re in Texas, expect a lot of calls and texts from me, because I’ll need someone to talk to when life gets hard or when something exciting happens. I’ll also need someone to tell everything that happened in my day because we both know my tendency to accidentally over share personal details about my life.

I still can’t believe you’ll be all the way in Texas, but I know you will do great there. You can thrive in any environment because you’re such an adaptable and amazing person. I don’t know how I’ll survive without you, but just know that I love you so much, and this definitely won’t be the last time we talk because there’s no way you can get rid of me now. Baylor really got a good one.

Our BeReals in Journalism were a 10/10 everytime. (Photo Provided by Lianna Enright ’24)