And we remember small moments — how time just flew by! This old yellow couch, long ago a math staple, now’s a fond memory — of tests and times tables. (Photo by Julianna Ortiz).Goodbye candy jar, to you, a great toast! You gave us our energy, when we needed it most. (Photo by Adriana Arroyo)Au revoir Paddington mirror. We bid you farewell! Of you, we hold fond memories, and stories we’ll tell. (Photo by Julianna Ortiz).Sayonara broken chair, you did a fine job, at holding us steady during breaks and long talks. (Photo by Julianna Ortiz).Creepy little doll, you’ll be in our hearts. In our minds you’ll stay, as this next chapter starts. (Photo by Adriana Arroyo).Oh, Maurice, we can’t stand to go! Although, we know kindness, to the next class you’ll show. (Photo by Julianna Ortiz).Broken bathroom door, you helped us build character. With you in mind, we’ll be scared of no barrier. (Photo by Adriana Arroyo).And last, but not least, we’ll miss each other. We couldn’t have done it without one another. (Photo by Julianna Ortiz).