Senior Royal Reporter writers head off to college

Thanks Rosary for the best four years! (Photo Provided by rosarydinos Instagram)

Reagan Beuerlein, Staff Writer and Social Media Director

The time is almost officially here! The Rosary Academy Class of 2023 will be graduating on May 26, 2023. Although this is a bittersweet time for many, it is also super exciting.


The Class of 2023 is more than ready to take on their new chapter of life. No matter where they are going and what they will accomplish, we should all be proud of them. No one ever said high school was easy, but they did say that it flies by so fast.

One of our amazing and fabulous seniors in the class of 2023! (Photo Provided by rosarydinos Instagram)


Being a part of the Class of 2023, I am both sad and excited. I am sad that my days here at the Academy will no longer happen. There will be no more Red and Gold, no more Clough jokes, and no more sprinting to class after break because my friends are so funny, and we lost track of time. But, I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life because it is full of countless opportunities. We get to grow up and find who we truly are.


With that being said, here is a list of the senior writers and editors of the Royal Reporter and where they will be committing. We are all so excited to take this next big step in our lives, and we cannot thank Rosary Academy enough for preparing us for it all.


Daniela Arias                   LMU majoring in Journalism

Adrianna Arroyo        UCLA majoring in English

Reagan Beuerlein      University of Utah majoring in Communications

Alex Bohn                   Baylor majoring in Psychology

Kendall Clarida           USD majoring in Literature and Writing

Anna Jordan                   USC majoring in Creative Writing

Charlotte Jordan        Claremont McKenna majoring in International Relations or History

Allison Lillestol          ASU majoring in Journalism

Kathleen Martinez      USD majoring in Communications

Julianna Ortiz                   Cal Poly SLO majoring in Environmental Engineering

Emma Oskorus           USD majoring in Business/Real Estate

Sydney Rosario          Washington and Jefferson College Majoring in Biology

Cadiz Salazar                   Fordham University majoring in Marketing/Media Communications with a minor in Theatre

Colleen Schmitt          University of Nebraska majoring in Agri-business

Emma Silva                   School of Life majoring in #swag

Layla Venezuela         Wagner College majoring in Theatre Performance

Trista Verne                   OCC majoring in Communications

Camila Zavala             UCI majoring in Anthropology