A farewell to our friend group

Our huge amazing friend group. (Photo Provided by Kathleen Martinez)

After four years at Rosary, we were able to truly connect with a group of girls that we can now call our sisters. Each of these girls made an impact in our life, so here is our goodbye’s and thank you’s to them…

Milan DiConti ’23

Milan has the biggest heart, the greatest advice, and is the hype women of our friend group. We loved watching her gain so much confidence in herself this year. We are going to miss our late night drives and changing the interior lights of her car pink with every outing.

Isabel Solorio ’23

Isabel has the most contagious laugh and is such a gracious person. She taught us that it is okay to trust others. Isabel is a person that we can rely on whether we need a quick shoulder to cry on or a friend to laugh with, she’s our girl. We are going to miss her smile and countless makeup recommendations.

Victoria “Tori” Gomez ’23

Tori is basically the mother of our friend group because of how compassionate she is. She takes care of each one of us and always makes sure we are okay. She also is the person I go to for comfort. I can always count on Tori to be there with open arms. I am going to miss Tori’s hugs and funny faces.

College doesn’t stand a chance against this friend group. (Photo Credit: Anahi Pintado)

Brynn Beauchamp ’23

Brynn is very outgoing and has a huge personality. Brynn always lights up the room with amazing dancing and a huge smile. She is also very generous and cannot help but offer her house for our annual Christmas parties. We are going to miss Brynn’s brownies and sweet treats.

Anahi Pintado ’23

Anahi is probably the funniest and most outgoing person we know. She also is very protective and always defends her friends under any circumstances. Anahi is the type of person we can bring anywhere and have a great time. We are going to miss Anahi’s unhinged Instagram reals and her out of pocket jokes in class.

Never a dull moment with these girls. (Photo Provided by Kathleen Martinez)

Angelina Angie” Sances ’23: 

Angie is very trustworthy, reliable, and a little crazy. She is also the friend group’s unofficial Uber. She always finds some way to accidentally fall at dances or trip in the halls. We are going to miss our near-death experiences in her car and the Skyline drives.

Kathleen Martinez ’23:

Kathleen is one of the hardest workers and responsible people we know. She not only works multiple jobs but also carries a high GPA while doing it. Kathleen is so hospitable and has such a kind heart. She is who we want to become, you know once we get jobs hahaha. We are going to miss our hangouts at her house and her contagious giggle.

Joanna Ciudad ’23

Joanna is very smart and hilarious. She is the person who knows all the tricks at Disneyland and Universal Studios. Joanna comes off as shy, but she is far from it. She acts crazy on the dance floor, and her ratings of the Met Gala outfits make us burst into laughter. We are going to miss Jo’s book club full of all the Tik Tok recommendations and her Coachella ratings.

Esther Solorio ’23

Esther is an amazing friend…when she shows up to school. She sleeps in so much that we get surprised when she’s at school. Esther also is hilarious and brutally honest. Her honesty makes me laugh. We are going to miss her dance moves to any Bad Bunny song.

Taylor Gomez ’23

Taylor is very sweet and is the second Uber of the friend group. We can always rely on Taylor to blast country music on the way to the beach. We are going to miss her backyard BBQ’s and beach trips in her Jeep.

Our love for each and every one of these girls is unmatched and like no other. Thank you for making us laugh till our stomachs hurt and making us smile even through the hard times. Although our friend group is splitting up for college, we know that they will each do great in their endeavors. We know that no matter what, we can rely on these girls to be there for us. We will miss all our old memories, but we are excited for the new memories we will make in college. This is not a goodbye, but a see you later. We love you all.