A thank you to my parents

(Photo Provided by Colleen Schmitt)

My parents came to support me for my last Red and Gold ever!

Colleen Schmitt, Staff Writer

My mom and I together for my junior prom. (Photo Provided by Colleen Schmitt)

My parents have done so much and sacrificed a lot to give me the opprotunity to go to Rosary. Writing a thank you letter could never express how grateful I am for them, but this is just a little reminder of how much I appreciate them.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I cannot begin to thank you enough for the opprotunities you have provided me. One of the biggest being sending me to Rosary. I am forever grateful for the experience this school has given me and I will never forget it.

Dad, the long days at the track and in the gym could not have been the way you wanted to spend all of your Saturday afternoons. However, I am so glad we got to spend those quality times together before I take on my new journey at college. The road trips up and back from track meets are times I will truly cherish forever. I do not take for granted the times you will drop everything to come and bring me something I forgot at home to school. You have been a life saver more then once in these last four years at Rosary. I know everyone who has asked you to BBQ at Rosary really appreciates you cooking for them and loves the food. I would say the food comes out pretty okay. (Just kidding, it’s the best.)

Mom, you are always there when I need someone. I love when you come and support meet at my track meets. I know I can be a lot when you get home from work and all you want to do it put your feet up, but instead I am following you around the house and babbling on about my day. Thank you for always listening to me and being patient when I get all wound up. I am going to miss those days when I wake up late and you make my lunch for me. Thank you for not letting me get hangry at school.

You both have driven me around for countless hours to school or practices. Sometimes I just don’t say thank you as much as I should. I definitely could not have gotten through high school without the two of you. You are the ones who gave me this amazing opportunity in the first place to go to Rosary and I cannot thank you enough for the experiences I gained.

You have both been my rock through high school and I will miss you so much when I am 1,300 miles away at college.


Your third and favorite child

My dad and I wore matching hats for the father daughter dance this year. (Photo Provided by Colleen Schmitt)