Dear mom, a Mother’s Day sonnet

Christina Vaughan, Staff Writer

I’d like to take the opportunity of Mother’s Day to commemorate the absolutely amazing woman I am privileged to call my mom. As a very amateur poet, this obviously won’t be the best sonnet you’ve ever read, but if you can look past the writing, I hope you can see that words will never be enough to show how grateful I am for my mom and the impact she has on me and my family. 

Throughout the years, my mom has always been there for us. (Photo Credit: Christina Vaughan ’26)



When things come crashing down, I’ll run to you

And find comfort in your unceasing love

Though I am broken, you always stay true

And bestow your wisdom, certain thereof


Your beauty shines in all the lives you touch

Emanating from your purest of hearts

Revealing in the way you care so much

Not even the touch of hardship can thwart


When I need motivation I turn to

The most inspiring woman I could know

Dear mom, I try to work hard just like you

I am a reflection of you, it shows


I’m in awe of you mom, words cannot say

How grateful I am for you every day



Happy Mother’s Day Royals!