Paper Tech: the thunder before the storm

Photo taken by Kat Cenabre

Paper tech at it’s finest.

Alex Bohn, Copy Editor

One of the behind-the-scenes aspects of every show is the infamous Paper Tech. Paper Tech is when all directors and the tech crew heads meet for a longer period of time to go over all technical aspects of the show with the Stage Manager. This is how cues are called and it allows tech crew heads to better prepare for what they need to get done in the upcoming weeks before the show.

For this year’s spring musical, Rodger’s + Hammerstein’s Cinderella, there are many more technical components than usual, causing not one, but two, three+ hour meetings to cover the entire show. Paper tech included the amazing deck, props, flys, costumes, wigs, special effects, sound, and spotlights crew heads…and of course your lovely production team, Olivia Nicholas ’23, Cali Gomez ’23, and myself!

A comparison of Kat’s reaction to low line fog and the Arthur meme. (Photo Created by Alex Bohn)

Paper tech usually takes place after the Designer Run, when the cast performs what they’ve been working on for tech. This is the first time that tech crew gets to see the show, which means that paper tech is a bit of an overwhelming experience. Deck Crew Head Kat Cenabre ’23 shares, “I’m gonna be super honest; paper tech is always a slog to get through. Nonetheless, I thought that this paper tech went great, even if we had to take 2 full days to get through all of it. I think we all collectively freaked out as we were receiving our list of cues…some of us more than others (it was me and Cali).”

To make this show as magical as we can, we have incorporated a new integral part of tech crew: special effects. Special Effects Crew Head, Adam Solorzano ’23, was extremely excited to take on this endeavor: “The special effects are a great addition to the show. It truly adds to the magic and makes the show ecstatically fun!”

Our Stage Manager Cali’s reaction to an additional special effect compared to Special Effects Head, Adam’s reaction. (Photo taken by Kat Cenabre)

Despite the difficulties in paper tech, over the past couple of rehearsals, crew has pulled through and made the show even more amazing than before. Come see Cinderella May 4 to May 7 at the Servite Theatre to see everything that both the cast and crew have been working on!