How to say goodbye to your favorite senior
April 27, 2023
The time is a-ticking Royals. The beloved Class of 2023’s graduation is officially less than a month away. If you’re an underclassman or a teacher preemptively mourning the loss of your favorite seniors on campus, here are some things that you can do for them in their final moments at the Academy:
1.) Give me cash. Lots and lots of it. Empty out your wallets into my open hands.
2.) Grant me the equivalent of a Chipotle celebrity burrito card for the Bevaris food service.
3.) Honor my legacy by renaming Rosary Academy, “LaylaLand”… this one might be specific to me.
4.) Keep a life-sized cardboard cutout of me in every freshman classroom. They need to remember my legacy.

Photo Provided By: Layla Valenzuela ’23.
5.) Change all the classroom numbers to ‘2023’ in honor of Rosary’s best class.
6.) Make me the next freshman class’ mascot.
7.) Wipe my gradebook clean and replace them all A’s in every class. Yes, even my nasty grade from second semester of Honors Pre-Calc.
8.) Let me keep my school laptop (please). I love tablet mode.
9.) Bring me back as a Red and Gold judge in a few years time. I’m an extremely judgmental person so I’d be perfect.
10.) For the next senior mural, paint a massive portrait of me
11.) Create a UC approved course called “History of Layla” that teaches students my life story up until now. Ms. Barclay must teach it. It also must be a required credit for freshmen.

Photo Provided By: Layla Valenzuela ’23.
12.) Hire a butler to hand out mints in the bathroom. Said butler should also hand out hot towels to students.
13.) Make your laptop wallpaper a portrait of the entire class of 2023.
14.) For my last week of school here, have underclassmen follow me around to roll out a red carpet for me to walk around campus.
15.) Add me to the ‘Women’s History’ curriculum. People should know about me.
Okay, so… a lot of these might be personal preferences. In all seriousness, spending the last four years with this class and the rest of Rosary has been a whole gift on its own. To all of Rosary Academy, seniors love you- no gift is necessary… but some cash is always nice.
Sydney Rosario • Apr 27, 2023 at 1:58 pm
please give moola. college is expensive.