College tips: entry-level adulting

A solid study plan is key for entry-level adulting in college. (Photo by Julianna Ortiz).

Adriana Arroyo, Assistaint Editor-in-Chief

Given college move-in day is only a few months away, I’ve picked up some new habits to make the transition from living at home to living on my own much easier. Although like many Royals, I’ll still be living in a communal space, these small changes have helped me grow independently in many different ways.

1. I buy my own groceries

As someone who enjoys trips to Trader Joes, going weekly to pick up fresh produce, ingredients, and snacks isn’t too bad. Usually, I glamorize my grocery endeavors by making a list, listening to music while shopping, and bringing my reusable BAGGU bags (which are adorable and eco-friendly) to place my goods in. Trust me, once you set an effective weekly budget for your groceries and get a groove going, you won’t regret this small but mighty lifestyle change.

DND. (Photo by Adriana Arroyo).

2. I make my bed every morning

I know, I know. I sound like a gym bro who thinks drinking water cures every kind of sadness known to man–but trust me–making your bed every morning will help you so, so much. In my own experience, making my bed every morning helps boost my energy, and with the senioritis I have, that truly speaks volumes. When you have a three hour 8 a.m. class next year and want to feel good before a long day, making your bed is the way to go.

3. I lay out my life in a planner

A few months a go, I was inspired by Charlotte Jordan ’23 and bought a planner from on Amazon, and I haven’t looked back. This in-depth life organizer is adorable and functional for sorting pretty much everything life throws at you.

Avidly planning in high school has (on many occasions) saved my life, and this will definitely be a practice I bring with me to college.

4. I ‘reset’ my life on Sundays

Usually, Sunday mornings are time for coffee, cleaning my room, and laundry. Although these sound like menial tasks, when you’re in college, someone has to do them (and that someone is you). Normally, it takes me about one to two hours to ‘reset’ my life for the week, and when I’m listening to music or watching a show while doing it, the time definitely goes by faster. This is a nice and easy way to avoid unnecessary stress before you head to weekly classes, meetings, internships, shifts, and study sessions.

5. I have a solid study plan

While in college, no one can really tell you what to do–especially when it comes to homework. That’s why having a solid study plan will definitely be key. Personally, I enjoy using the Pomodoro Method from time to time, or simply just turning off my phone and putting it on ‘Do Not Disturb.’ Either way, do what works for you, but try to get a solid study plan down before classes begin!

I hope some of these tips were helpful, and good luck adulting on your college journey.