We are stressed

Tori Bush has a lot going on right now. (Photo credit: Kendall Clarida)

Kendall Clarida and Layla Langrell

As our final year at Rosary comes to a close, we are stressed about things big and small. This week, we thought it would only be appropriate to tell you what we’re stressed about…

  1. The AP Gov article that was due two weeks ago (Kendall Clarida ’23)
  2. Getting my wisdom teeth out (Kendall)
  3. The fact that I have a mountain-sized pimple on my face (Layla Langrell ’23)
  4. The fact that I have seven tests to makeup (Layla)
  5. I’m missing two more weeks of school (Layla)
  6. I need to read an entire book (Both)
  7. I need to buy the book first (Layla)
  8. I need to get snacks for my trip (Layla)
  9. I have to pack (Layla)
  10. Buy a graduation dress (Layla)
  11. Buy a prom dress (Both)
  12. Buy a grad ticket (Layla)
  13. Buy a prom ticket (Both)
  14. Find a prom group to go with (Layla)
  15. The fact that I’m leaving school again (Layla)
  16. Need to plan a grad party (Both)
  17. The APES final (Both)
  18. My STATS project (Kendall)
  19. I’m stressed about this article (Kendall)
  20. College (Kendall)
  21. The fact that I’m gone all summer (Kendall)
  22. Moving into the dorms (Kendall)
  23. Finding a roommate (Kendall)
  24. Having beef with my roommate (Kendall)
  25. All my missing assignments (Both)
  26. My CSF and NHS hours (Kendall)
  27. My senior service hours (Kendall)
  28. My Snapchat AI (Kendall)
  29. “Never finding love,” according to Isabella Gutierrez ‘23
  30. Going in debt (Kendall)
  31. That the Barbie movie won’t live up to the hype (Kendall)
  32. “That it’s sunburn season,” according to Bridgette Sanders ‘23
  33. That I’ll fall at graduation (Kendall)
  34. That my dog doesn’t actually love me (Kendall)
  35. That I’m missing grad practice and a day of finals for my brother’s graduation (Kendall)
  36. That they’re gonna mess up my Starbucks order again (Kendall)
  37. That I’ll get lost at the senior Disney day (Kendall)
  38. That my retainer is going to break for the third time (Kendall)
  39. “Not knowing what college to pick,” according to Victoria Bush ’23
  40. Everything. (Both)