Students take on the sporty spring dance

Brynn Beauchamp, Staff Writer

This past Saturday, March 25, Rosary hosted the annual spring dance. This year’s “Sporty Spring Dance” encouraged students to show off their best team spirit while enjoying a night out with friends. Students rocked their favorite jerseys and shirts, while spicing up their outfits with some eye black.

Having experienced their first spring dance, the freshmen had some rave reviews worth sharing. Brigid LeVecke ’26 expressed, “The dance wasn’t too crowded which made the night super fun. My friends and I had a great time taking advantage of all the opportunities the dance had to offer.”

Another bonus of the spring dance was the opportunity to meet and socialize with our Servite brothers. Siena Ruszak ’26 added, “I thought it was a great way to see everyone and hangout with the guys we don’t get to see everyday. We also got to play Spikeball—which was definitely a highlight of our night. The Rosary girls won…even though our Servite friends won’t admit it.” Students who attended the dance had the opportunity to play games, eat snacks, and enjoy a lot of music and dancing.

Kit Hayward ’24 participates in her usual friend group photo bomb at Yogurtland. (Photo provided by: Allison Clarke ’24)

Some juniors, aka veteran spring dance goers, also attended the dance. Allison Clarke ’24 explained: “The dance was suprisingly super fun! My friends and I definitely enjoyed ourselves and we took the opportunity afterwards to grab some yogurt from Yogurtland!”

In the words of Gavin Barnard ’26, the night was overall “a great bonding experience for Servite brothers and Rosary sisters.”