Royals take on spring break!

This is what Alyssa Ramirez '24 will be seeing while everyone else is in their 3rd period class.

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This is what Alyssa Ramirez ’24 will be seeing while everyone else is in their 3rd period class.

Lianna Enright, Copy Editor

Spring break is just around the corner. Teachers and students will finally receive a well deserved break from the stress of school and work. 

Let’s take a look at what some Royals are doing during their break!

Senior Alex Bohn is keeping herself very busy with her schedule that’s packed to the brim. She explains her schedule, saying, “This spring break is my busiest yet. I leave Thursday morning to go to Palm Springs for Easter weekend to spend time with my family, and then I come back early Monday morning for Trinitas rehearsal on Monday as well as a presentation for the Sisters of St. Joseph. I have Tuesday and Wednesday to hang out with friends, and then Thursday morning my mom and I are going to visit UC Davis. Friday afternoon we’re going to meet my dad at the airport and fly to Washington to tour Gonzaga, and then spend the weekend out there, flying home Sunday night to be at school the next morning. It’s a little crazy, but I’m really excited.”

Similarly, Alyssa Ramirez ’24 is keeping herself busy while traveling with her family: “For spring break, my family and I are going to Peru. We’re leaving on Thursday after school and staying in Cusco for a week, then taking a train to see Machu Picchu. Then we are going to Lima for a week to visit family and explore the city. I’m bummed that I have to make up the work from missing school, but I’m really excited to spend time with my family.” 

On the other hand, Madison Roach ’24 is staying local for her spring break. However, it sounds like she still plans to take advantage of the time off:  “Over spring break I want to work as many hours as possible (I work at dominos) to make some money because I keep spending everything I make. When I’m not working I have plans to hang out with some of my friends at the beach. We are planning on doing a bonfire at the beach and later having a sleepover. I also wanted to go roller skating and maybe go to the movies!” 

Marissa Carbajal ’24 is also taking advantage of her spring break: “Over spring break, I’m planning to go on college visits to some of my current top schools: UC Davis, UCSB, Cal Poly Slo.” Although we’re only juniors, it’s a good idea to visit our colleges of interest before we apply to really get a feel for the environment.

Whether you’re traveling or staying at home, take advantage of the time off to destress, and get ready to tackle the end of the school year!