Hair care: the right way

(Photo taken from Google Images via Creative Commons Liscense)
Although this may be on the more expensive side, it is definitely a fan favorite.
March 30, 2023
Are you tired of frizzy, dry, or oily hair? No matter what hair texture you have, I know there is always something about it that you wish you could treat better. With spring break, prom, graduation (seniors only), and even summer coming around, it’s important to keep your locks looking fresh and voluminous. Here are some of the best hair care products, reviewed by Rosary students themselves, to maybe try out if you’re looking for a new hair routine.
First, hair oil is a must. Speaking from personal use, I would 10/10 recommend the brand OGX, Argan Oil of Morocco. Run to Target now. If you do try out this product, this is one tip I will give to you: a little goes a long way. Simply just place a little drop in your hand, rub it together in your hands, and apply only to the ends of your hair on damp hair. After I shower, I put this product into my hair, and I wake up with hardly any frizz in my hair.

(Photo taken from Google Images via Creative Commons Liscense)
This next one may not seem as quite a necessity, but personally, I believe it is. Leave-in conditioner that you can put in your hair after the shower can also help keep your hair from becoming dry, damaged, and reduce frizziness as well. Next time your at Target or any beauty store, don’t be shy to add the “It’s a 10” leave-in conditioner into your cart. Although it may be on the more expensive side, this product will last you months, and not to mention it also smells amazing. Like the hair oil, it should also only be applied to the ends of your hair.

(Photo taken from Google Images via Creative Commons Liscense)
I know everyone here has heard of a face mask, but have you ever heard of a hair mask? I’m sure the majority of you have, but if you haven’t, you’re going to want to hear about this one. Hair masks are to be applied all throughout your entire head– from the roots, to the ends of your hair. If you haven’t tried a hair mask, I would start off with the Raw Sugar healing power mask. It is very inexpensive, and all you have to do is leave it in your hair for five minutes before you wash it out. It is also safe for colored treated hair. If you’re looking to splurge a little bit more, I would definitely try Amika’s Kure Intense Hair Mask. Briana Reyes ’23 uses this product once a week and she shared, “Every time I use this in my hair, I wake up with the shiniest and healthiest looking hair. My hair is rarely ever frizzy, and I definitely recommend using the Amika shampoo and conditioner prior to putting in the hair mask.”

(Photo taken from Google Images via Creative Commons Liscense)
This last section isn’t really anything about a specific product, it’s more advice about how to treat your hair. A number one recommendation is to not wash your hair every night. It may sound gross, but it’s really not if you think about it. Plenty of people do it. I understand if your hair texture is different, and you simply cannot go a day without washing your hair; however, for the most part, many people can go a day or two without washing their hair. This helps your hair grow much quicker and reduces the risk of applying so much shampoo and conditioner into your hair 24/7. Dry shampoo and hair oil is your best friend on days you don’t wash your hair, trust me.
Now, on your next Target run, don’t be afraid to add a few extra hair care products into your cart besides shampoo and conditioner. Start now, and by summer, you’re hair will feel healthier and more fresh than ever.