Beloved teacher Ms. Barclay announces resignation

Photo taken by Mandy Puga '24

Period 3 is not ready to let go of Ms. Barclay.

Alex Bohn, Copy Editor

As of March 29, 2023 Ms. Barclay has announced her resignation from Rosary Academy. Ms. Barclay has taught at Rosary for 21 years, and has been recruited by the Charter School of Wilmington in Delaware to teach their English courses.

When the announcement was made in Period 3 (The Royal Reporter class), some people were in shock, some cried, and some developed a deep hatred for the state of Delaware.

Ms. Barclay had to spend most of the period explaining why she made the decisions she did: “I don’t want to pay a sales tax, and Delaware has none. I also think my birth parents are in Delaware and I’d like to locate them. It’s true there is no record of me actually being adopted and my parents have told me they are, in fact, my real parents. But I’m not buying it, so I’d like to be in Delaware where my people are. I need to put myself first for once.”

She continued, “I promise I will take care of you guys and find someone who can take care of the Royal Reporter antics. I’ll figure out what to do with Lang later, you are my number one priority.”

A somber silence took over the classroom when Mr. Clough was announced to be the leading candidate for the Royal Reporter mediator. Journalism will take a vastly different turn… maybe with a new mathematics category. However, Ms. Barclay shares that nothing is set in stone yet.

This year was the first time freshmen were invited to apply to be a part of the Royal Reporter, and one of our stellar freshmen, Christina Vaughn, had a lot to say about Ms. Barclay’s retirement: “As a freshman who came into journalism already being disliked by Ms. Barclay, I spent so much time trying my hardest to get on her good side even by doing funny dances with her when she decided she was the next best artist on the Voice… and what do I get? Her resignation.”

Some other students learned about the announcement fairly early, including senior Isabela Gutierrez as she shared, “Good riddance.” Well… not everyone is exactly grieving over the loss of Ms. Barclay.

After attending Rosary herself, and then teaching here for over 20 years, Ms. Barclay has decided that it’s time to take the next step into her future, whether that’s at a charter school, as a stay at home mom, or even a long distance Royal Reporter editor– we know she will do amazing wherever life takes her.

So, cheers to one of the best teachers we could have asked for, and thank you Ms. Barclay for everything that you’ve done for us Royals. We’ll miss you.

Just kidding!!! Ms. Barclay isn’t going anywhere! Happy April Fools, Royals!