Royal Spotlight: Melanie Kamel

Photo Provided by Melanie Kamel

Introducing our Royal Spotlight: Melanie Kamel ’24!

Alex Bohn, Copy Editor

Hey Royals! For this week’s Royal spotlight, I had the privilege of interviewing Melanie Kamel ’24 to learn the behind-the-scenes of one of Rosary’s most talented, kind, and high-spirited students.

Mel is actively involved in many aspects of the Rosary community, but why not let her explain for herself? Let’s dive in.

What are your favorite extracurriculars?

The extracurriculars I’m involved in would be Mock trial, Robotics, French Club, CSF, Ambassador, track and field, and my job outside of school as a math tutor at Mathnasium. The extracurriculars I’m a part of help me explore and gain experience in subjects I’m genuinely interested in. But, by far, one of my favorites is Mock Trial. Mock trial is such a fun way to get closer to girls with similar interests as you but it also fueled my passion for learning about the law and government. I’ve gotten really close with my Pre-trial team and it’s definitely an unforgettable experience.

What’s something on your bucket list?

This is so generic by I actually really want to go sky diving one day. I love the adrenaline rush so even though I would be a bit scared at first, I’d still definitely want to try it. Other than skydiving though, there’s the Lindt Chocolate headquarters in Switzerland that is just calling my name and I have to visit at least once in my life.

Melanie is a hardworking teammate on the Royal Robotics Team. (Photo Provided by Melanie Kamel)

We already know you’re an amazing student, do you have colleges or majors in mind?

A dream school of mine would probably be UCLA for undergrad and Stanford for grad school. But, I trust in God’s plan for me and I know I’ll end up wherever I need to be. Honestly, I’m kind of leaning towards majoring in engineering but going to law school afterwards. That way, if I find out I like engineering more, I have that foundation to lean on.

Congratulations on your nomination for Girls State! Could you explain the significance of this program?

Girls State is this amazing interactive program hosted by the American Legion Auxiliary where one girl in her junior year of high school is selected from her school to go to Sacramento for a week over the summer. The program is hosted at Sacramento State University and basically, the girls over there are organized into two groups and run and hold different government positions to emulate the government in California. So, for example, girls from each group will run for their group’s Governor, Senator, Supreme Court, and other government position. The whole program is meant to be immersive, engaging, and overall encouraging to girls my age to be informed about politics, the function of government, working together, and serving others. I’m so thankful for the opportunity and I’m really looking forward to this unique experience this summer!

Mel and her dad about to walk down the center of the field for the Homecoming Game! (Photo Provided by Melanie Kamel)

Tell me about your family.

I am the oldest sibling with two younger brothers (15 and 9). My parents were born and raised in Lebanon and moved here after they got married. Since I have a lot of family and cousins in Lebanon, my family usually goes almost every year. When I’m not in Lebanon, my family also goes to Montreal, Canada since my dad’s side of the family lives there too. We’re very outdoors-y people, so we’ve of course been to Niagara Falls, plenty of Canadian lakes, cabins, and forests. We also cook pretty much everything at home, so not only do we eat a lot of Mediterranean food, but my mom also makes the best hummus out there.

What’s one of your favorite things to do on the weekend?

If I have free time over the weekend, I always try to bake something. I prefer baking something new every week, so like anything from cookies, to 3 day brownies (yes, three days), to macaroons. But I love baking, it’s so relaxing to just put on some music while whipping up some freshly baked cookies.

As a rising senior, do you have any advice for your underclassmen?

Honestly, I would say that freshman and even sophomore year is really a time to explore your interests and try out opportunities for activities that you find interest in. Even if it’s a small spark of curiosity, I would urge the underclassmen to pursue opportunities and get involved because you never know where one door can lead you. Of course, don’t overcommit to too many tasks, but it doesn’t hurt to try something new.


Junior Melanie Kamel is truly a stellar student and we couldn’t be prouder of her accomplishments as well as the kind and positive person she is. She is the true representation of what it means to be a Royal, and is going to rock Rosary as a senior. Congrats, Mel!